The Ultimate Marketing Machine – The Ultimate List Building & Conversion System – Value $997

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Value: $997
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If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and get really serious about your business, then you must read this message right away…

“Unlock The Hidden Profits In Your Business In Just 8 Weeks Thanks To GKIC’s Simple System For Dominating Any Market, And NEVER Have To Worry About Getting New Customers, Clients And Patients Again.”

Let GKIC Take You By The Hand And Guide You Step-By-Step Toward A Total Business Turnaround In Just 8 Weeks So You Can Dominate Your Market And Leave Competitors In Your Dust.

Best Part:  You’ll Get Personal Attention From The GKIC Team And Your Very Own BOOK You’ve Authored In Only 8 Weeks.

Dear Renegade Marketer,

You know the importance of getting leads, converting leads into sales, and nurturing your customers so they’ll keep giving you money again and again.

But if you’re honest with yourself, you probably don’t have a rock solid system that’s been successfully “borrowed” from other successful 6-7 figure earners.

So keep reading every single word of this message because you’re about to discover how you can…

Build A Machine That Works For You 24/7 That Handles The Mission Critical Activities of List Building And Conversion

You probably got into business for many reasons:  more time freedom, more money in your bank account, more independence so you can do what you want, and no boss breathing down your neck.

But at some point, things changed.   The New Economy has lowered the spending power of the average consumer, and fear about our country’s future has changed the landscape of business.  In other words, both consumers and business owners are rife with fear, stress and uncertainty.

Yesterday’s marketing methods just don’t work anymore.  The whole “sling stuff against the wall and see what sticks” approach to marketing and advertising can be a total waste of time and money and simply isn’t effective.

Plus, competition to get customers is getting tougher and tougher as consumers get hit with 4000 commercial messages every single day.  Every business is in danger of disappearing or becoming irrelevant to prospects as this competition continues to grow.

And that’s why I’m writing this letter to you:  to let you in on the BIGGEST and FASTEST Business Makeover Opportunity ever offered by GKIC.

You’re going to be blown away when you see how you can work with the GKIC team and completely transform your marketing, lead generation, and conversion strategies in the next 8 weeks. All of these principles are what’s working now in 2014 for GKIC and our founder Dan Kennedy to cut through the cluttered marketplace.

We’ll be building a machine that will hum along by itself to produce a flood of new customers, clients, or patients so you truly never have to worry about it again.

Now I know what you’re thinking…