Andy and Mike – Webinar Studio Epic Results Week – Value $297

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Value: $297
Download Size: 6.1GB
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If you’ve read this far, you probably already know that webinars are good for your business.
Maybe you’re just getting started with Google Hangouts… or maybe you’re thinking of taking the leap away from a competitor and to a more cost effective (and fun!) solution. Either way, we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised excited about what WebinarJam Studio can do for you.
Over the last year our 17,000+ customers spoke… and we listened. WebinarJam Studio is the result of several hundred suggestions from our users…and we’re pretty proud of this baby we all made together.
These new features are designed to revolutionize your online broadcasting. Giving you EXACTLY what you need to generate the most sales, connecting your products and services with the people who need them most.
You Asked, We Listened.
Brand New Features…
Brand new Studio Control Center™ – Everything In ONE Place
Attendee Spotlight™ – The Best Way to Create Engagement & Authority
Video Engine For Hybrid Webinars™ – There’s never been a feature like this in any Webinar Software.
Active Offers™ – Display With Urgency Time & Units Left Display
Feedback Flow™ – Display Conversion Boosting Data LIVE
Replica Replays™ – Everything that happened during your live presentation is replicated and re-presented
Jams On Demand™ Marketplace – Easily and freely advertise your upcoming webinar to a new stream of of traffic.
Replays On Demand™ – Your Webinar REPLAYS can now be a part of the Jam On-Demand Marketplace
The Studio Control Center™
View Engagement & Analytics, Control Chats, Questions, Polls, Surveys, Offers, Videos, and Live Alerts WebinarJam Studio has all the features you need to give the best webinar possible.

The Hub For Those Powerful Features is The Studio Control Center.
Everything you need to create and control your viewer’s experience is now gathered in one highly customizable interface. If you’re used to giving solo webinars, this display works in a separate browser tab, with a Dual Screen Display, or on a separate PC or laptop.

It’s easy and intuitive enough to use while you’re busy giving your presentation. But sometimes it gets tough to follow the chat as your questions fly by, so we designed the Studio Control Center to really shine when it’s managed by a moderator on your team.

They can have a single page that lets them moderate the chat room, highlight questions and comments, and much more, all in one easy to use display.


What better way to create engagement than to bring your attendees into the spotlight and give them a chance to share and shine? Now you can Invite ANY of your Webinar Attendees to instantly join the broadcast at anytime.

This makes Q&A a breeze, because instead of a slow chat while you’re waiting for your attendee to type a response or followup, you can have an actual conversation with them.

Interactivity Creates Engagement. Engagement Equals Results.
Some other uses? Why not ask your buyers to hop on screen and tell you why they purchased your offer. They can use their microphone, share their screen, or even activate their webcam and appear LIVE to all of your attendees.

It’s a powerful testimonial tool as well! Ask your great customers to share their experience with your products – let them tell everyone why you’re the right person to trust. Nothing gives your sales a bigger boost than hearing your customers share their success story… live and in person.

It’s okay to show off a little…when you see a friend, celebrity, or known personality in your industry, invite them in for a few words to add to the engagement and boost your credibility.

Attendee Spotlight does it all, with just a single click of your mouse.

“Create Authority and Earn Trust and let the power of Attendee Spotlight help you let OTHERS close MORE sales.”
Use this feature for absolutely amazing Q&A Coaching, Hands-On Training, Guest Appearances, Demonstrations, Hot Seats, Testimonials, and LIVE Social Proof. You can do this on the fly, too. They don’t need a special link. You don’t need to know in advance who you’re going to pick. You don’t need to configure any special settings.

You Just Do It… …and It Just WORKS!

They raise their hands. You accept. They get a confirmation to join and alerted that their Webcam and Mic will go live when they click. They ARRIVE! When they’re done, you click and their Spotlight is ended and they are returned to the attendee room It’s just that simple.

Can you imagine the possibilities? Interview Your Prospects, Answer Specific Questions and Overcome Personal Objections, Create Authority, Earn Trust and let the power of Audience Spotlight let OTHERS close MORE sales for you.

The Video Engine for Hybrid Webinars™
On a good webinar, you’re going to: Demonstrate, Teach, Interact and Sell

WebinarJam Studio’s core functions allow you to do that with: Your Web Camera, Your Presentation Software, and Screen Sharing with your Audience, there’s never been a feature like Video Inject™ in any Webinar Software.

It’s Like Your Personal On-Demand TV Studio.

Pre-Load up to 5 videos with High Definition and CD Quality Sound. Then the Video Engine™ Plays Your Videos On-Demand during your webinar!

It automatically Mutes your Mic and Shuts off Your Webcam, too. And when you’re ready (or the video is done), you return LIVE to your audience.

The Video Engine™ allows you pre-record and edit parts of your presentation, so the really important moments like demonstrations and offers can be seen with no umm… uh and no… hhmm… mistakes! That’s it!

When you edit all that out you have your highest possible chance to make an impact. Want to do an interview but your schedules don’t mesh? Pre-record it! Pre-Load Testimonials and Social Proof!

Great for Extended Teaching, too! (As in, you took your iPhone on Safari and Recorded it to be part of a Webinar)