Bob Serling – Million Dollar Joint Ventures – Value $397

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Million Dollar Joint Ventures Express


Joint ventures are an exceptional way for anyone to make serious money, even if you don’t have any previous experience. But most people who’ve tried to broker joint ventures have ended up being disappointed.

That’s because there are a number of significant problems you can encounter with JVs. And the most damaging problem is actually caused by the way most so-called experts teach you to do joint ventures.

But that’s all about to change.

You see, in the next few pages, I’m going to show you a simple 4-step system for making 6 to 7-figures every year by brokering joint ventures. Most importantly, I’m going to show you an entirely new, different and much easier method for achieving this than you can find anywhere else.

So in the next few minutes, we’re going to do 6 things…

  1. You’ll see exactly how using The Express Rule of High-Profit Joint Ventures simplifies the JV brokering process dramatically
  2. You’ll also see how this simplification gives you two important benefits:
    Express Benefit #1: The ability to find and close high-quality JV deals in just a couple of weeks – instead of the 3 to 12 months it takes using other methods
    Express Benefit #2: A built-in, dead simple “accelerator” technique that turns every JV deal you broker from a one-shot project into multiple projects that get repeated every year. So your profits continue to grow and grow.
  3. I’ll take you through the entire system step-by-step so you immediately “get” why this new method dramatically outperforms the old ways of brokering joint ventures
  4. We’ll look at a number of real world case studies of the results some of my previous students have produced
  5. I’ll lay out all the components and tools you get in this program
  6. You’ll have an opportunity to enroll in the program if you’d like

The current state of brokering joint ventures

Brokering JVs can be a powerful way to make six and seven-figure profits with no cost and no risk. But the biggest drawback to this is that JV deals can be time-consuming and difficult to make happen.

For example, in the promotional materials for my previous program, you may have seen the case study of one of my students who made $828,000 on the second JV deal he brokered. But if you listened to the entire case study, it took him a full year of hard work and persistence to bring that deal together.

And that’s pretty typical with most JV deals. You can usually expect it to take 3 to 6 months or more to put together larger deals.

Besides being time consuming, this can quickly get very frustrating. So I decided to see if I could develop a way to eliminate the stumbling blocks that cause JV deals to be so time-consuming. And to accelerate the entire process so you can find and close lucrative JV deals in just 2 to 3 weeks rather than the 3 to 6 months it typically takes.