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Value: $25
Download Size: 650.2KB
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Appointkart is an appointment booking plugin for WordPress, it helps you to get online appointments through your website, its easy to use and having tons of incredible features, like appointment calendar,partial deposit, discount coupons,checkout as shopping cart,Paypal express payments and pay on arrival, and many more features that makes your website a cool appointment booking engine.
Turn your wordpress website into online Appointment Booking System.
Appointkart will help you to create your wordpress website an appointment booking system. You can create services, service providers their schedules, breaks, holidays etc. System will display your selected time slots for booking to users and they can easily pick their suitable time slot to book the appointment with easy step as a shipping cart view.
Appointkart is great for booking Doctors,Chiropractors,Salons,Spas,Massage Therapists,Personal Trainers, Counsellors,Estheticians, Accountants,Alternative Medicine, Lawyers,Business Coaches,Dog Groomers, Financial Planners,Handymen,Home Inspectors,Mobile Businesses,Nail Technicians,Naturopath,Photographers,Tutors,Yoga Instructors,Cleaning services…and many more who are in service business…
- User friendly and fully responsive design
- A nice shopping cart view for multiple bookings
- A powerful backend interface to manage appointments
- Easy WordPress integration
- Unlimited number of service providers
- Unlimited number of services
- Custom time slots with Weekly or Monthly schedules
- Easy to manage off days and tea breaks
- Variable time slot length and service price
- A separate nice calendar view for each service provider to manage their appointments from their WordPress backend
- Appointments manageable view for clients from their WordPress admin dashboard
- Multi-languages and multi-currency Support. All main strings translatable via *.mo and *.po files
- Main label strings are manageable through admin
- Customize emails templates for clients and service providers
- Customize email reminder Alerts
- Color picker to choose service color
- Discount coupons
- Taxes/Vat
- Partial deposit
- PDF Invoice downloadable from client panel (WordPress admin)
- Payment with PayPal and pay locally