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Dear Warriors,
First let me start off by saying I am NOT an ‘internet marketer’. The system we’re about to learn about was not developed for ‘internet marketing’ or by an ‘internet marketer’. It was developed to generate massive amounts of revenue in one of the hardest businesses in the world — the financial industry.
Right out of high school I got the luckiest break of my life. I got a job as a cold caller at one of the most infamous firms in the history of the stock market. I worked for 2 partners and was trained by the best salesperson on the planet — a man named Jordan.
Jordan’s sales system revolutionized the stock brokerage business. It worked so well that we ended up being shut down and Jordan ended up being sent to prison for 18 months.
We pushed it to the line and crossed the line many times. But the sales system closed deals like a MACHINE! And it works even better now.
After I learned how to sell I still needed to figure out how to get leads. Cold calling penny leads all day wasn’t all that attractive to me so I developed a plan to get massive amounts of leads — FOR FREE — all through email. What’s even cooler is that these “leads” are already closed deals…