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Don’t you ever get tired of “push” marketing? (Maybe it should be called “Pushy” marketing. Ha.) Just think about firing up your own personal Bobalo cigar and picking through the prospects who have contacted you? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a client “pull” on you for a change?
Hey, I may be smoking a Bobalu – But I’m not blowing smoke at anybody!
This is exactly what I do. Do you think I’d tell you anything that I haven’t tested and done? No, I wouldn’t. This is doable. You might not get it done overnight, but you can get it done as I have.
One of the most important trainings I’ve ever conducted in my ongoing “Consultant Profits” sessions is this one called “Automated Marketing Portal.” Why is that? I’ll tell you. Most of our training helps both you and your clients, right? Well, this one is just for you. I talk about how you can set up “marketing outposts” that will get prospects coming to you. Do you like that idea?
From my live hangout:
“Here’s the reason we do this. You see, everybody’s always asking me how to I find leads? Guess what? I don’t look for leads. Today, I’m going to show you how to leverage all this (activity) so that you get exponential results. The biggest single question I’m asked every single week…every single week I am asked, ‘How do I find leads? Where do I go to find leads.”
“Let me tell you a little secret. I do very little lead generation. I do very little going out and looking for leads. You know why? Nancy hit the nail on the head… They find me.”
Automated Marketing Portal
You’ve Got To Be An Expert – Everybody’s An Expert On Something…
From my live hangout:
“If you don’t think you’re an expert on something, I disagree with you. Everybody’s an expert on something. And when you see what people are looking for, one of these days something will jump out at you and you’ll say, ‘Wow, I can be an expert on that.’ And you can. “