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Million Dollar Membership Site Component 1
Solving the Want Crisis
(This is all about Traffic)
The Secret Resources to Find a crowd of people that will pay you $97 per month each.Our goal is 84k per month which is around 860 members)
In this module we will walk you through:
How to Find an Audience that is Highly Passionate about a Topic
How to Make Sure they have the income to spend on a $97 per month membership that is information based.
How to make sure that they are reachable via advertising or organic marketing methods.
The Growth Hacking Secrets to Building up Your Membership that won’t cost you and arm and a leg.
Million Dollar Membership Site Component 2
The Member Content Map
(This is all about the Offer)
We’ll show you exactly how much you need to have waiting in the members area when they land, how much to add every month, and how to nurture your members every step of the way.
There are 3 Parts to every Million Dollar Membership Site that keep it running smoothly every month.
The Content when they Land.
The Monthly Stick Content
The Daily/Weekly Chat Topics.
We’ll show you exactly how to set it up for success.
Million Dollar Membership Site Component 3
The Live Mastermind Stick
(This is all about the Live Call)
This isn’t for everyone, but if you’re serious about building a million dollar per year membership site you need to consider giving your members some sort of live access to you once a month.
We’ll walk you through the secrets to creating your membership site content live so that you don’t have any excuses to not get it done. You can even get paid to create the content the first time if you follow our step by step guide.
EVEN IF YOU HAVE NEVER DONE LIVE CONTENT BEFORE… We will show you the secrets behind it. This one module is worth the entire investment you’ll make in this course.