Ben Adkins – ScriptDoll Million Dollar Sales Templates – Value $29.95

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I Don’t Know Anyone Who is Successful Online who didn’t experience

their Fair Share of Failures Before They Finally “Got it”.

You spend hours a day, hunched over a desk, plugging away online.

Trying to put the puzzle together, while implementing the things that you’ve learned.

It seems so easy for other people! But as hard as you try, you still haven’t been able to get it right and actually make real or sustainable money online.

Does Any of the Following Sound Familiar?

  • You’ve bought an amazing video sales letter creation software or a fancy sales page creation software. Only to realize that it’s useless unless you know how to write the messages to plug into it.
  • You’ve spent a fortune with Facebook or Google Ads. But the sales page you’re sending all that traffic to doesn’t convert into sales and income (such a waste of money).
  • You’ve reached out to big affiliates in your industry. Hoping they’ll promote your product. However, they’re never interested in your innovative product. Without that support, their customers will never see your amazing offer.
  • You never get the attention your product deserves. You have no clue how to create early excitement for the product (physical or digital) before it launches.
  • Maybe you’ve gotten lucky and your customers buy low ticket offers. But you can’t seem to get them interested in buying higher ticket products, because you don’t know how to sell larger ticket items effectively.

All the Traffic and “Flashy Pages” in the World won’t Help you if You Don’t Know

How to Use “6 Critical Puzzle Piecesto Get that Traffic to Convert.


From:  Ben Adkins

RE:  “6 Magical Puzzle Pieces”

Dear Frustrated Internet Marketer,

Dr Ben Adkins here and believe me, I get it.

When I first started trying to make money on the internet, I must have tried everything. I bought every product, software, and method that I could afford. I was desperate to get over the hump and start making money online.
The results were absolutely miserable for the first year.

The most frustrating part of the entire process during that first year? I followed everything that all of the so called “gurus” said to do.

  • I built squeeze pages.
  • I built and sourced products.
  • I got on video to bond with my audience.
  • I even tried my hand at writing sales letters and creating funnels.

Every so often I would have a little success. But it was never anything that I could recreate or turn into an actual income.

I was beat down, tired, and I’m ashamed to admit, I was ready to give up on the whole “internet business” thing forever.

If it hadn’t been for a chance snow day in early December 2011, I might not be where I am today. But, thanks to a freak weather mishap, I had to miss work one day – confined to my house for a few extra hours. That day, I decided to look deeper into the world’s most successful online entrepreneurs.
And after a few hours of digging deep into HOW they were selling things… well… what I found shocked me.

What these Guru’s were telling others to do, versus what they were actually doing were two very different things.

Once I noticed that, I started paying more attention to how they really created their sales messages (rather than the way they were teaching others). And I started to notice patterns…