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When I first Started using Facebook to Market Local Businesses I Literally thought it was a Waste of Time.
I was a lot like what most small business owners are like when they first try to tackle facebook (and probably just like you). I had just opened up my Chiropractic practice and had nearly everything in place. The only thing I needed was to get people through the door. Back in those days, however, I didn’t have a ton of money to spend on traditional marketing like radio, tv, and print. Because I was basically poor, I had to find creative (and cheap) ways to get my business in front of a mass audience and facebook seemed like the perfect fit. I started learning everything I could about the social network and I found every “facebook guru” out there and started reading what they had to say. On their advice, I setup a facebook page for my business and started spreading the word about it to my family and friends. I even ran a few facebook ads to get the word out in the beginning and filled my page with content.