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Ready for Your Videos to Start
Working Like What You See Above?
(Keep Reading to See How to Make It Happen)
Date: Tuesday, March 24 2015
Subject: How to Sell More with Video
Dear Fellow Business Owner and Marketer,
Did you know that visitors to your site are 64% more likely to purchase after seeing a video?
With video having such a dramatic impact on sales, you’ll be shocked to find out that nearly half of online marketers don’t use video on their sales pages.
But why?
If video is so powerful, why wouldn’t all marketers exploit it’s selling ability?
When asked why they don’t use video, most cite “lack of video content.” And if you fall into that crowd, you’ve likely struggled with this as well.
Trust me, I get it.
Using video is intimidating. It requires you to push yourself into the limelight. Andwhen you don’t know how to fill it with content that will engage viewers and turn them into buyers, it can be really embarrassing.
Many of us aren’t born with star quality, and I was no exception to that rule.
It wasn’t until I figured out an easy-to-follow formula that I could use to systematically churn out high converting videos. Then I FINALLY saw an increase in sales…
Using this formula, I was able to generate video scripts that grabbed the attention of viewers and engaged them long enough to close the sale. As I repeated this method for one product after another, my bottom line grew.
Now, I’m not going to keep you hanging.We both know I’m about to share with you my secrets to creating high converting video (otherwise why would we both be here, right?) And frankly, I’d like you to get inside and see how well this formula will work for you.
The 3-Part Master Video Formula that Will Show You How to
Engage Viewers and Quickly Transform them into Paying Customers.
Here’s a Sneak Peek to Find Out How Video Spike Will Benefit You…
Part 1: The Master Video Script Writing Formula
Inside the “Write It” Section You’ll Find:
4 Video Style Templates that Will Allow You to Max Out Sales on Every Promotion
We’re taking away the guesswork behind writing video scripts. Inside you’ll uncover how to use 4 different video styles. Each is designed to boost your conversions based on the unique needs of a specific promotion.
And don’t worry, we’ve included in-depth walkthrough videos for each style, as well as “fill in the blank” templates that will dramatically cut your workload. These are the 4 powerful video styles you’ll uncover inside…
The Video Spike Style VSL – Writing lengthy videos that engage customers long enough to finalize a sale is tricky. Using techniques that implement key ‘buyer psychology’ elements, we’ll show you how to immediately spark their interest and lead them to the pitch.
The Talking Head Video – Putting yourself in front of the camera can turn you into a blubbering mess (I’ve got a slew of my own outtake videos to prove it). But with the right outline, you can appear cool and collected. We’ll give you our best kept secrets to draw viewers in and swiftly turn them into paying customers.
The Screencast Video – Walking viewers through a simple demo video seems simple enough, but there are 3 common mistakes that will send your customers packing. Not only will we show you how to avoid disaster, we’ll walk you through how to utilize this method and fully exploit the selling power behind Screencast videos.
The Animated Explainer Video – Our inner child naturally becomes nostalgic at the sight of animated video, which is why viewers are drawn to this style. In order to turn your animated videos into a marketing powerhouse, we’re giving you our complete blueprint.