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Ready-to-use copywriting forms… checklists… model contracts… boilerplate agreements… sales letters… “copywriter’s roughs”…
Dear Copywriter:
Almost all small businesses use a variety of forms, letters, boilerplate documents, and checklists to manage their marketing, sales, accounts payable, accounts receivable, client relations, business planning, bookkeeping, and other business functions.
For many businesses, such as rental property owners, you can buy forms customized for that industry. A landlord kit, for instance, might have rental agreements, model leases, eviction notices, and so on.
Now, in The Copywriter’s Toolkit, you get all the forms, checklists, model letters, contracts, and other documents you need to start and run your freelance copywriting business.
I did not develop these forms in a hurried afternoon just to make money selling them to you as an e-book. I created them as I needed them during my 25 years as a full-time freelance copywriter – and used them in a freelance copywriting business that has grossed, so far, many millions of dollars in revenues.
Copywriters ask me to share these proven business tools with them almost every single day!
Rarely does a day go by when I don’t get at least one e-mail or phone call from a copywriter who wants to see the forms, outlines, and other documents I routinely use in my copywriting business.
Now, in The Copywriter’s Toolkit, you get a complete collection of every form and standard document I’ve used to earn millions of dollars in freelance copywriting fees over the past quarter of a century!
- Marketing communications audit – simple questionnaire that helps potential clients communicate their marketing needs when they can’t articulate exactly what they want on their own. Page 42.
- Copywriting fee schedule – shows you what I charge for 27 different copywriting projects including ads… sales letters… direct mail packages… white papers… and more. Page 6.
- Dear Marketing Professional lead-generating letter – one of the sales letters I used to launch my freelance copywriting business… generated a 10% response whenever I mailed it. Page 21.
- Standard copywriting agreement – the project confirmation I send to all clients. They must approve and return it with my retainer before I start work on their copywriting projects. Page 33.
- Testimonial letter – form letters to solicit testimonials from satisfied clients as well as obtain permission to use unsolicited testimonials. Page 103.
- Online copywriting fee schedule – detailed descriptions of more than two dozen online copywriting assignments and the fees I charge for each. Page 37.
- Kill fee schedule – given to clients to let them know what they owe you should they cancel a project once it’s started. Page 47.
- Copywriting information kit – the fulfillment package I send to potential clients interested in my copywriting services… has helped generate millions of dollars in copywriting assignments. Page 63.
- How to prepare for a copywriting assignment – a handy checklist of the background information the client should give you – and the questions you should ask – before you start writing their copy. Page 58.
- To-do lists – the 3 types of to-do lists every copywriter should keep… and what should be on each. Page 68.
- Copywriting manuscript format – shows the format in which I submit copy to my clients. Page 111.
- Sample e-zine – one of the most effective ways to market yourself as a copywriter online is by writing and publishing a free e-newsletter… here’s the winning format I’ve used to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in service and product sales for over half a decade. Page 25.
- Non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements – ensures the client that you keep his business activities and data confidential. Page 18.
- Telephone scripts – scripts for making cold calls to potential clients as well as follow-up calls to sales leads. Page 94.
- Copy platform memo – shows how to propose your idea for the ad or mailing to the client for his approval before you actually write it. Page 83.
- Invoices and collection letters – to improve your collections and cash flow. Page 99.
- Copywriter’s roughs – pre-drawn layouts for direct mail packages, brochures, print ads, inserts, vouchers, and other copywriting projects… eliminates the need for you to draw and redraw pencil layouts by hand. Starts on page 115.
- Niche market sales letters – sales letters that generate inquiries for copywriting service from specialized niche markets including software and publishing. Page 14.
- Query letters – how to convince the editors at important marketing publications your clients read to let you write articles for them… and maybe even pay you for the privilege. Page 98.
- Sales lead tracking form – keep track of leads, prospects, and the status of potential jobs without costly computer software with this simple form. Page 102.
- Copy critiques – simple format I use when writing copy critiques. Page 106.
- And many more…
Copywriters Rave About Bob Bly’s Toolkit
“I had to write a note to let you know how much I appreciate your Copywriter’s Toolkit,” writes Bill Cornell. “After 8-years as a professional copywriter, I can truly say that I use it at least once a week. The examples are great and it’s written for fast reference. I keep the Copywriter’s Toolkit right next to my dictionary and thesaurus behind my desk. Thanks for the great information.”
“I purchased your kit last year and it’s excellent. I use it extensively. The best tool is the kill fee schedule. I mention I have one in my quotations and I find it sets expectations brilliantly. New clients respect it and I find they ask for it. And if perchance they have to can a project (rare) they quote my kill fee back to me. I find it prevents sudden changes of mind and demonstrates I value my time as well as theirs. It’s one of the best investments I’ve made.” –Nicky Jameson
“Bob, do you have any idea what you’ve done for me? The Copywriter’s Toolkit is incredible! I’ve been sopping up information from the book all morning, stuff that I’ve been unable to find anywhere. It’s everything I’ve been trying so hard to figure out … and getting nowhere. You have set me free! I can fly! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” –Jean Newbold
“The Copywriter’s Toolkit is stuffed with everything you need to be successful in the copywriting business — from contracts to sales letters — all there for you to use in your own copywriting business,” says Robert Heiney of Barnesville, GA. “Your small investment in this book will save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars over other programs that deliver less.”
“It took Bob Bly 25 years to pile up all the copywriting sales letter templates… boilerplate contracts… checklists… client letters… and other documents that make his career possible,” says John Forde. “But you can have them all at once… in a million-dollar toolkit that he’s practically giving away…”
“The Copywriter’s Toolkit is an incredibly useful resource,” says copywriter Peter Savage. “I’ve purchased many products aimed at copywriters over the years; this is definitely among the most helpful, and probably the best in terms of value for money. Great stuff.”
“I think you’re crazy to sell this Copywriting toolbox for so little, when it’s almost a complete ‘business in a box.’ Having to collect and write all this for myself could easily take years and could cost tens of thousands of dollars. I’m glad I bought it!” –Gabor Wolf
“I bought your Toolkit last month and wanted to thank you. I have a client in the flooring business who needed some testimonials for me to include in the sales letter I’m writing. I tweaked your letter to fit his business and he has already received several responses. He had been trying unsuccessfully before the letter.” –Alice Zyetz
“The Copywriter’s Toolkit goes right to the heart of the business, revealing the intricate systems you’ve developed over the course of your career. It’s truly a c rash course in running an effective copywriting business — an absolute must for anyone who’s decided to take that plunge.” –Mistina D. Bates
“I have just downloaded your toolkit and it is a great resource. The toolkit is a good frame of reference where model letters/templates etc are concerned for teasing out what a client would like to achieve.” –Chris Ruane
“The Copywriters Tool Kit provided me with a TON of useful information plus valuable forms and templates. It’s helping me manage my copywriting business more professionally and more efficiently.” –Scott Martin, Copywriter, Charlotte NC
“As copywriters we are all too busy to re-invent the wheel with every project and prospect. Thanks to “The Copywriter’s Toolkit,” I can focus more of my limited time and energy where it’s needed most: on finding clients and fulfilling assignments. Thank you for helping my streamline my workflow and make my marketing collateral more compelling.” –Anthony St. Clair, Copywriter & Editor,
“I just received my download for the Copywriter’s Tool Kit. Although I haven’t had time to go through everything yet, I have glanced through and found a wealth of useful information. Thank you also for the 17 Marketer’s Secrets. I appreciate your willingness to share the results of your years of hard work! Thank you!!” –Phyllis C. Whitney
Act now and save $30
If I added up all the hours spent planning, writing, testing, and refining the tools in this collection, and then multiplied by my current hourly rate, it would come to well over $25,000.
Of course, you could hire a lawyer to draft some of these forms for you, at about $200 an hour. And most lawyers don’t know or understand the copywriting business.
But my Copywriter’s Toolkit won’t cost you $25,000… or $1,000… or even $200.
Instead, the price for this comprehensive forms kit is just $79. But when you order this week, you get it for only $49 — a $30 savings off the cover price.That comes to less than a dollar a document … and less than I charge for just 10 minutes of my time!
The Copywriter’s Toolkit is a 172-page e-book… which means it’s available for immediate download. No shipping costs. And no waiting.
As a licensed purchaser, you get the e-book as well as unlimited rights to use the forms, model letters, and other tools in the toolkit as is… or customize them to fit your own copywriting business. It’s your choice.