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Hey there, my name is Kelly Felix
I’m about to show you a WEIRD way that Katie Holmes
helped me make over $12 $13 million dollars online…
Even though I’ve never actually met her.
And then I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to
copy me… for FREE. Right now.
Because I grew up dirt poor,
and I know how it feels to struggle.
I come from a middle-of-nowhere town called Mobile, Alabama…
Where I was trapped in a life that I didn’t want, in a place where
no one seemed to have any hopes or dreams.
Have you ever felt like you were meant for something bigger?
That’s how I felt, and it was killing me.
But I didn’t know how to change it.
Maybe you can relate?
I lived a boring and unfulfilled life, wasting away most of my time watching
stupid videos about a skateboarding dog or a water-skiing squirrel or something.
But while I sat there day after day, month after month, I actually figured something out…
Some people were making tons of money on the internet while I was screwing around.
After that, something finally clicked in my brain, and decided enough was enough.
And I made it my life’s mission to figure out how to make money
online… because my life wasn’t going to fix itself.
And oddly enough Katie Holmes was the key.
I decided that…
If I made enough money, and moved out to Los Angeles, I could meet Kaite Holmes, and she would LOVE me!
That makes sense right? Looking back I feel a little like a stalker. LOL.
In the end, I didn’t get the girl… But I did end up with a mansion in Bel Air, 3 supercars in the garage, and 7 figures in the bank…
So I’m not complaining. I think I ended up with a better girl anyway!
Now I could bore you with more about my life’s history, but instead…
I am going to go ahead and reveal the secret that has made me millions (and still does today)
So You can COPY ME.
For me, it’s ALL about freedom.
Money equals freedom.
You either have it or you don’t.
I realized long ago that if you don’t design your own life plan,
chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan.
And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
So while you are welcome to leave this site and go back to the life you came here with… I’d like you to consider for a moment, what it would be like if my system actually works. Because it DOES.
You may want to grab a pen and paper, because what I’m about to share with you has never been revealed before.
This is EXACTLY how my system works, and nobody else has access to anything remotely close…
Be sure to pay close attention to the final step, step #6, because that is the BIG WEIRD ONE..
I use free software that creates a “unique” website for me.
The key is using the “right” software.
The free software I use is called “WordPress”. You may have heard of it.
It can build your site in about 2 minutes.
But the KEY with wordpress is using the correct THEME and PLUGINS to automate everything, so you can make money from quickly.
Instead of trying to figure out how to use the thousands of themes and plugins out there…
I spent $10,000+ to make my own, so my websites have an unfair advantage on DAY 1.
The good news is, I’ll gladly let you use my proprietary theme and tools.
I’ll even build your website FOR you at the end of this video.
And I will do it for FREE.
And that is why I GUARANTEE your success.
Try my system for 60 days.
If you don’t make money, I will refund you completely AND you can even keep the free website that I built for you.
I am taking all of the risk.
Remember, this is all tested by my inner circle.
Guys and gals who are making BANK.
Like Vinnie C. who went from being stressed about IRS debt, to making over $50k per month.
Or Pyong K., who just made $95,000 last month.
And John C., who regularly earns over $30,000 a month.
Here is a picture of me with John and Vinnie recently →
As a thanks for being so awesome, we took these guys to Vegas and put them
up in a $5,000 / night suite, and bought them brand new suits from
Hugo Boss so they could feel like a million bucks.
These are the guys who will be
But it’s not just those guys…
Amber D. has made over $18,000 for herself in the past 2 months.
Anna D. spent only $30 dollars on advertising and she made a $900k sale.
James H. averages $14,000 a month.
Travis K. will get a check for over $19,000 this month.
Amine R. recently had his best month at $33,000.
Hernan S. is already at $47,000 this month.
Paul H. broke through with $21,900 this month.
Donny G. consistently hits $12,000 per month.
And me? My best recent month was $62k $103k
In fact, in the time it took me to write this section
I just made another $1242.00 commission.
If you’ve ever been yelled at by your boss.
If you’ve ever called in sick because you hate work.
If you’ve ever looked at your bank balance and realized
you can’t afford to make a car payment, rent payment,
insurance, or electric bill, and freaked out…
This is for you.
While 99% of everybody else in the world keeps working their stupid job,
making no money, and complaining about their lives.
You could be making what you are truly worth.
Formal education will make you a living.
Self-education will make you a fortune.
Your new website could be ready by tomorrow.
Remember, I’ll even build it for you.
I don’t want you to choose to do nothing.
And yes, choosing to do nothing is a choice.
If you’re anything like I was, you don’t want to wake up tomorrow and have regrets.
No one outside of BTF needs to know you are an insider, making moves.
They’ll just see the change and wonder what happened.
But like I said, I will only work with 10 new people per day…