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$1.5 Million In 6 Months With Simple
Ecommerce Stores – And YOU Can Too!
Our Complete Newbie Friendly System Can Build YOU a Powerful $100k/Month Shopify Store in Under 30 Days
Even If You HAve ZERO Experience, No Tech Skills And Have a TINY Budget
Good News For Anyone Wanting To Get Into (Or Expand) Their Own eComm Business in 2017
Austin Anthony and Devid Farah here.
If you haven’t YET taken the plunge into eCommerce . . .
or you already have (but still haven’t seen the results you want) . . .
Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside The Build My Store’s ‘Over-the-Shoulder’ Training Modules
From picking and sourcing products. . . to creating Shopify pages and product categories . . . to mastering FB ads and attracting search engine traffic . . . order fulfillment . . . and much, much more . . . we cover it all in the training.
Here’s an overview of what’s waiting for you inside the BMS training modules.
- 32 step-by-step video training modules jam packed with actionable information
- The most up-to-date information about what’s working in eCommerce and FB ads now
- Done for you emails that generated thousands in sales, along with templates, models and case studies (use these in your own campaigns for explosive profits)
- Secret techniques to get dirt cheap clicks & 70% CTR with FB Ads (this alone can more than pay for your investment in Build My Store )
- Underground secrets to 1st Page Google rankings for any product in any niche (within minutes!)
- Insider info from top eComm and FB marketers making 100k a month (this information isn’t found outside expensive paid mastermind groups)
- A complete FanPage Ad creation system for dirt cheap clicks to targeted traffic
- Our wholesale and dropshipping sources (this will save you hours of time finding quality wholesalers and dropshippers on your own)