Entheos – I Kinda Wanna Be a Coach videos – $147

I KINDA WANNA BE A COACH Live longer, love better and laugh louder with Jacob Sokol and 28 of the world’s most disruptive thought leaders, doctors, shamans and entrepreneurs.Get ready to discover ancient and cutting-edge ways, to reset your hormones naturally, upgrade your DNA, uplevel your mindset, feel at homeRead More… Entheos – I Kinda Wanna Be a Coach videos – $147

Gary Halbert Short Term Opportunity – $217

Here is the deal: To help promote John Carlton’s Action Seminar, we offered a bonus to people who signed up for the event through our affiliate link. This was no ordinary bonus. This was… 12 hours of Gary Halbert Critiquing 100 Sales Packages! The projects discussed were all real lifeRead More… Gary Halbert Short Term Opportunity – $217

Mike Koenigs – Make, Market, Launch IT – $3,497

Produced by Mike Koenigs, co-owner of the 8-figure online blockbuster Traffic Geyser, and Pam Hendrickson, the woman in charge of Tony Robbins’ product empire for the past 20 years, MAKE, MARKET, LAUNCH IT takes the guess work out of creating, producing and launching products quickly and profitably. MAKE, MARKET, LAUNCHRead More… Mike Koenigs – Make, Market, Launch IT – $3,497

Ellen Rohr – The Bare Bones Biz Plan Price – $495

  THE COMPLETE SUITE: MY TOTAL TOOLBOX! Use this do-it-yourself program to start, fix and grow your business! I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars learning business basics.(That’s in addition to the pricey college degree in business administration.) I’ve spent the last twenty years building businesses…my own and others…and madeRead More… Ellen Rohr – The Bare Bones Biz Plan Price – $495