Traffic and Funnels – Client Kit – Chris Evans and Taylor Welch

What we can learn from Traffic and Funnels? In this course, we will learn how to generate high-ticket clients using paid traffic and a simple 2-step funnel. Chris Evans and Taylor Welch have assembled a great course that will help us build a high quality funnel that will enable us scaleRead More… Traffic and Funnels – Client Kit – Chris Evans and Taylor Welch

Marketing Course for Dental Marketing – Fred Joyal

What we can learn from Marketing Course for Dental Marketing? Based on Fred’s 30+ years of experience in dental consumer advertising and marketing, this course is jam-packed with practical information, essential insights and clear explanations of how and why patients respond the way they do, and how to capitalize on thatRead More… Marketing Course for Dental Marketing – Fred Joyal

Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy – Katie Yeakle

what we can learn from this course? Not only will Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy will teach us everything we need to know about the B2B market, it will teach us “step-by-step” how to write all the B2B marketing elements any client will ever ask us to write. AndRead More… Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy – Katie Yeakle