Digital Psychology and Persuasion Minidegree – Conversion XL

What we can learn from Digital Psychology and Persuasion Minidegree? In this course, we will learn how to influence user behavior through digital psychology and persuasion. Certification training program for product, growth and optimization people. We will use proven psychological frameworks to improve our website, understand behavior, and influence purchase patterns.Read More… Digital Psychology and Persuasion Minidegree – Conversion XL

Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Bootcamp – Brian Lofrumento

What we can learn from Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Bootcamp? The Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Bootcamp isn’t another online course, it’s a bootcamp designed to get us to take massive action by giving us all of the step-by-step trainings and ready-made templates for us to take our business from idea to reality, withRead More… Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Bootcamp – Brian Lofrumento