What we can learn from Step Up And Lead? For the first time ever, T. Harv Eker reveals his proven, step-by-step system to turn anyone into a great leader, almost instantly. Introduction. Module 1 – Become an Effective and Efficient Communicator – If we want to become a great leader, we mustRead More… Step Up And Lead – T. Harv Eker
Category: Self Improvement
Self Improvement covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.
Generation Freedom – Michael Hall, Christopher Sakr
What we can learn from Generation Freedom? In this course, we will discover how the Internet killed the day job. Get inspired to ditch our day job as some of the top thought leaders reveal the tips, tricks, and stories that brought them entrepreneurship and freedom. More than 15 real-world successRead More… Generation Freedom – Michael Hall, Christopher Sakr
Cold Calling On Steroids 2.0 – Joshua Gayman
What we can learn from Cold Calling On Steroids 2.0? 1 – Overview. 2 – Pillar 1 – Volume Expectations – Leads, Cost. 3 – Pillar 2 – Consistency – Consistency Practices, Frequency. 4 – Pillar 3 – The Best Data – 3 Key List Types, Wide Niche List, Notes, BlanketRead More… Cold Calling On Steroids 2.0 – Joshua Gayman
Finisher’s Fastlane – Asian Efficiency
What you can learn from Finisher’s Fastlane? In this course, you will learn how to finish everything we start, so you can finally achieve your most important goals. This new system lets you focus on what matters, even if you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Our system is theRead More… Finisher’s Fastlane – Asian Efficiency
Magic In Your Mind – Bob Proctor
What we can learn from Magic In Your Mind? After meeting Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher, an esteemed banking attorney, created Thinking into Results – the most powerful corporate transformational program of its kind. Sandy is now the Co-Founder, President and CEO of Proctor Gallagher Institute. A genius businesswoman and visioneering expertRead More… Magic In Your Mind – Bob Proctor
Lifebook – Jon & Missy Butcher
What you can learn from Lifebook? Lifebook is a book about you, created by you. It’s a one-of-a-kind lifestyle design system that guides you towards your personal vision of success in the 12 dimensions of life. Lifebook is about discovering what you really want – beyond the one-size-fits-all goals imposed onRead More… Lifebook – Jon & Missy Butcher
Full Time Filmmaker – Parker Walbeck
What we can learn from Full Time Filmmaker? In this program, we cover everything from the very basics of what gear to buy and how to use it, to advanced cinematography techniques, Parker’s full editing workflow (on both Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X), and the steps it takes toRead More… Full Time Filmmaker – Parker Walbeck
Never Split the Difference – Chris Voss
What we can learn from Never Split the Difference? In this course, negotiating as if our life depended on it, former FBI lead international kidnapping negotiator Chris Voss and co-author Tahl Raz break down these strategies so that anyone can use them in the workplace, in business, or at home. NeverRead More… Never Split the Difference – Chris Voss
Teaches The Art of Storytelling – Neil Gaiman
What we can learn from Teaches The Art of Storytelling? In this course, the author of Stardust, Coraline, and The Sandman teaches his approach to imaginative storytelling in his online writing class. We will learn how to find our unique voice, develop original ideas, and breathe life into our characters. DiscoverRead More… Teaches The Art of Storytelling – Neil Gaiman
The Science of Getting Rich Seminar – Bob Proctor
What we can learn from The Science of Getting Rich Seminar? In this course, we will learn how money is earned and enjoyed. Getting rich is an exact science. There are certain laws that govern it, and once we learn and comply with those laws, getting rich is a mathematical certainty.Read More… The Science of Getting Rich Seminar – Bob Proctor