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I wanted to take a minute and introduce myself, and to give you some tips on how you can get the most out of my strategies, systems and programs. First, let me answer the question: “Who is Dave Dee?”
I’m actually a pretty regular guy who struggled with many business ventures. I won’t bore you with all the details but my dream was to be a professional magician. Yep, a magician. The problem was I had NO IDEA how to get people to call and book me. One day, I looked in the mirror and said, “Enough! I am going to become a master marketer, no matter what it takes.”
Well, it wasn’t easy to figure out how to actually become a master marketer. I studied everything I could get my hands. I read books, listened to “motivational tapes”, went to seminars and spent a ton of money trying different things – most of which didn’t work. Then it all clicked when I learned about emotional direct response marketing.
The more I learned the more I realized that almost everything I had heard about marketing was DEAD WRONG. In fact, what really worked was counter-intuitive. For example, instead of using a lot of “white space” in ads, filling every square inch with compelling copy and an offer that makes people respond in droves. Or, instead of having my logo at the top of my yellow page and other ads, having a compelling benefit oriented headline instead.
The more I learned about real world marketing, most of which flies completely in the face of conventional wisdom and what they teach at Harvard Business School, the more excited got because I felt like I was on the brink of major breakthrough. To make a long story short, I created a my own system based on the emotional direct response marketing secrets I learned and went from booking three shows a month to averaging 30 shows a month in less than three months. I paid off over $15,000 a debt, bought a new car and a new home. A dramatic turnaround to say the least!
Friends of mine, in other businesses, began to ask me how I was doing it and wondered if my direct marketing system would work in their businesses. I told them if they needed to generate a steady stream of qualified leads, convert those leads into customers, get repeat business and referrals, it would most definitely work. I explained that the principles of direct response marketing were the same for any business. Yes, my business was booming but…
I realized that making money and having a successful business won’t solve all of life’s problems or automatically make you happy. So if that’s what you’re thinking, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. But, I can also tell you that having a successful business where you don’t have to worry about getting clients, profits or cash flow; a business puts truckloads of money in your pocket, has some ENORMOUS BENEFITS. Here is one benefit you might not have thought of, that I believe with all my heart to be true:
When your business is not doing well, you walk through life in a constant state of worry and fear. My guess is you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. On the other hand, when your business is rocking and rolling, when cash is pouring in, you feel better about yourself, you feel confident and yes, powerful.
As you know, there are no shortage of “gurus” claiming to have all the secrets that’ll make you successful. I’ll admit, that I do NOT have all the answers. But I am very confident that I have some of the answers (and some of my answers are powerful and important). So, why should you believe what Dave Dee has to say. Guess what – I do NOT want you to just believe me.
What I recommend is that you have a bit of healthy skepticism and TRY OUT what you learn from me. When you sign up for my free email newsletter at, I will send you a daily newsletters each week that a packed with tips, techniques, strategies and secrets generating new customers and dramatically increasing your profits. Simply test out some of the concepts in your business. You’ll quickly discover that what I teach is the real deal and not “theory.” I like stuff that works in the real world and gets RESULTS. I’m sure you feel the same way.
I’ve spent a huge amount of time, energy and money testing all of the strategies so you can gets you can see in your bank account as quickly as possible. Still, my stuff is not a “magic bullet.”
It’s important for you to know, that I am constantly learning, studying and refining my strategies. I am developing and testing new techniques and systems and will pass these updates to you. I am not a self-proclaimed “guru.” I’ve made plenty of mistakes and continue to do so. But, I honestly believe that my programs are the best on the planet, bar none, and I stand firmly behind them. I am confident that you will get TREMENDOUS value with what I have to share with you.
If my products don’t help you make more money, I want to buy them back. I believe you should only pay for things that work for you. So, each and everyone of my products comes with a DOUBLE guarantee:
GUARANTEE #1: Get a product and keep it for 90 days, at the end of 90 days, if you aren’t thrilled with it, if it doesn’t make you money, return it for a full refund… no questions asked.
GUARANTEE #2: If you decide to keep it past 90 days, I’ll ride with you for another nine months. At the end of one full year, you can look me in the eye, via email, and tell me about at least three of the strategies you tried, that did not work for you, I will still give you a 100% refund… even after a year.
I think that’s pretty fair.
If you have any questions about my programs and services, please don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected] and I’ll make sure you get an answer really quickly. Thanks for visiting my website and I look forward to hearing of your successes!
Dave Dee