Depesh Mandalia – FAATT Framework

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Depesh Mandalia – FAATT Framework

What you can learn from Depesh Mandalia FAATT Framework?

iOS14.5+ Took Away Our Ability To Profitably Reach Our Prospects And Stole Decision Making Ability To Optimise Spend in Ads Manager Now We’re Fighting Back With The Facebook Ads Attribution & Tracking Trinity Framework

Tracking Trinity Framework (you can call it The FAATT Framework, for short)

Hi, I’m Depesh Mandalia and like you, I run ads on Facebook’s platform as I’ve done since 2012. In June 2021 some fun things happened. Finally, Apple crushed a big part of what makes Facebook advertising so powerful – they limited the pixel’s ability to track users.

If you saw performance drop or consistency change, you were not alone. 95% of advertisers saw an impact, me included. Despite having millions in Facebook ad revenue experience behind me, I had to change the way I advertised on Facebook or face moving away…

But hundreds of thousands of advertisers didn’t change – agencies scrambling to add new traffic channels to their menu of options to attract new clients because they can’t make Facebook ads work.

Ecommerce businesses shifting focus to platforms like TikTok, Snap and YouTube to try overcome the losses they were making with Facebook ads.

Knowing what was coming up (because I was one of the first to share a full report and action list in in Jan 2021 on the upcoming changes to Facebook) I had already put a plan into place. I wanted to continue making Facebook ads work for us.
And it did. In a big way. The sales number below is from a store that suffered the most with the iOS14.5+ changes in May 2021.

They went from *seeing* 3-4x ROAS (return on ad spend) in their ad accounts to less than 2x almost overnight.

  • Full on-demand video training with step by step videos, written instructions and links for additional insights.
  • ​How to bypass many of the iOS14 restrictions at no additional cost to you
  • ​No monthly fees for software you won’t use or need – we show you 80% of what they do for you, that you can instead install yourself at ZERO cost
  • ​A solution designed for both tech and non-tech people
  • ​Backed by SM Commerce agency experience overseeing tens of millions in annual trackable ads revenue
  • ​Based on over 10 years research and implementation
  • ​Bonus 1: FREE GA Ads Analysis Template
  • ​Bonus 2: FREE Zapier Automation Templates for CAPI and Offline Conversions
  • ​Bonus 3: Attribution Breakdown Explainer
  • ​Bonus 4: iOS14.5+ Friendly Audience Targeting
  • ​Bonus 5: iOS14.5+ Friendly Campaign Building
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