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Want to quickly grow your blog, but don’t know how to get started? Yeah, I know… Marketing your blog is the toughest part of building a successful blog.
But what if I told you that you could get a lot of traffic and new subscribers by just doing what you do best – Write quality content?
Quora is a platform with millions of users who are hungry for great content. No only that, but it’s also an untapped marketing channel that many people still don’t know how to use.
If you’ve tried to promote your blog before, you probably know that the level of competition today is quite high. There are so many bloggers using channels like Twitter and Facebook to reach to their audience, that readers can barely notice your voice there.
Marketing experts know how important it is to take advantage of new channels before they get saturated. And that’s exactly what I want to offer you with this course: I want to show you how you can create a marketing system to promote your Blog on Quora and get a never-ending flow of subscribers for your blog.
I’ve used this same system that I teach in this course to get my first 2000 subscribers. Yeah, right. The name of this course is “Get your first 1000 Blog Subscribers using Quora”. But I wasn’t expecting to get another 1000 while recording this course. So, I hope you don’t mind if you end up getting more than a 1000 as well.
Now, it’s up to you. Do you want to grab this opportunity now or leave those thousands of subscribers to all other bloggers out there? Remember that Quora may get saturated someday. So, it’s better to act quickly.
Please feel free to check the video above if you’d like to know more about this course and see the outstanding results I got from using this marketing system on Quora.
A little bit about myself:
I am an online marketing guy who love to teach and share everything that I learn. I’ve worked with a few startups in the past, and my last accomplishment was to launch, grow and monetize the user base of Fubles in UK.
I am currently working on a new project called Smartlab, where my main focus is to provide quality content for people who want to become a little smarter every day. What I teach you in this course is the exact process that I’ve used to get the 2000 subscribers I have today at Smartlab.
Hope to meet you in my course and help you get a thousand of subscribers as well!
What are the requirements?
- Watch the video “Is this course right for me” to find out if Quora is the right channel for your Blog or Business.
What am I going to get from this course?
- Create a system that keeps getting new subscribers from Quora every day.
- Find the right questions to answer: The ones that will get you thousands of views and new subscribers for your blog.
- Understand the key fundamentals of a popular answer and use it in your favour.
- Create leads that encourage readers to give away their emails.
- Create targeted landing pages to convert your Quora readers into subscribers.
What is the target audience?
- Bloggers who have just get started and want to get their first 1000 subscribers
- Bloggers who have already an audience, and want to grow their Blog even further without having to spend any money on Ads.
- Startups or businesses that are looking for new ways to improve their Content Marketing strategy.