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There are loads of strategies available in the WSO section of this forum so what makes this one different?
Imagine taking three months off and STILL seeing your Amazon Associates dashboard showing consistent sales every day.
I’ve done that more times than I can count. I build a review site until it’s generating at my income goal and then I leave it alone. Some of my sites haven’t had posts in over two years and still generate Amazon sales. But that’s just one small benefit – the value of owning such a site goes far beyond that simple lifestyle convenience: • Knowing you’ll see Amazon sales in your dashboard every day • Building not just a site but an ASSET – something that has cash value you can sell should you ever need a cash infusion • Giving yourself a raise whenever you want by adding more content to your site
• Getting a raise every November and December from the naturally higher sales volume that takes place leading up to Christmas
• Less domain expense than building lots of mini niche sites • Fewer sites to build, maintain and update • No PPC expenses • No black hat strategies • Becoming a real expert by focusing on one niche instead of trying to become a quasi-expert in many • Having your site visitors create content for you when they realize your site is reliable and authentic and therefore feel comfortable leaving comments, adding their own reviews, and asking questions • Low cost of entry – a domain and hosting are all you need • Blow those average, cookie-cutter review sites you see using scraped content right out of the water