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Dear Frustrated IMer, Ben Adkins here and yes… I know the struggles most people face when they first start out and are trying to build a profitable email list.
Over the past year and a half I’ve been building email list in multiple markets and can proudly say that I make more than a full time income from email marketing. As a matter of fact, since I started focusing on email marketing, I have been able to make in one month what I used to make in an entire year at other jobs.
Not only do I use email marketing to make my living, I have also helped a ton of other young internet marketers learn how to build their list and make a full time income with email marketing themselves.
Despite all the success I’ve had in the past year and a half, however, things weren’t always so easy. As a matter of fact, I almost gave up on Internet Marketing when I first started out because I had so many frustrating early failures.
I was probably a lot like you when I first started out. I wanted to make money on the internet but was stuck as to how in the world I was going to be able to do it. I literally must have tried everything when I first started.
I remember hearing every “IM Guru” out there say “the money is in the list” but, while I could see how what they were saying could be true, I never could seem to figure out how any of these guys were building these monster list and making money from them.
I spent hours trying to learn how use paid traffic, solo ads, as well as good old fashioned SEO to get my squeeze pages in front of people, but I never seemed to make enough money to justify the time and money I was spending to get people to optin to my list.