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Value: $12
Download Size: 60KB
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Facebook Traffic Pop PRO brings a whole new level of control and performance to the O.G. of Traffic Pops. This is a simple “drag and drop” upgrade that adds an entire new framework to Facebook Traffic Pop, and adds some of the more advanced features users have been asking for.
- Delay Timer – Specify how long FBTP should wait before the popup opens allowing your visitors to read the page for a bit before the popup locks them out.
- Full Config Share Button – The Pro version allows you to tweak all settings of the Share button and set a custom Title and Message that are pre-loaded when a user clicks the Share button.
- Close Button Cookie Support – Optional on / off to enable the close cookie. If enabled, when the users clicks the close button to close the popup it will no longer bother them at all regardless of what you set for the wait timer.
- New Enable / Disable Toggle – control allows you to selective show Facebook Traffic Pop on the base / root / home page of your site.
- Page Selection Toggle – Allows you to use selected pages as the only pages Facebook Traffic Pop shows on, or if Facebook Traffic Pop should show on all pages but the selected pages.
- Easy to Use Page Selection – Simply enter the ID(s) of any page, post, or other taxonomy you want to bring it under Facebook Traffic Pop’s control.
- Selective API Loading – You can now enable / disable the loading of the Facebook SDK. This allows you to to work around broken themes and plugins that do not properly load the Facebook SDK using WordPress’ hooks.
- API Locale Settings – In addition to setting the Localization / Language of Facebook Traffic Pop, You can now specify any of Facebook’s locales to be used.
- Brand New TC Options Framework – I have also included my all new slick, AJAX options framework in the upgrade that makes Facebook Traffic Pop even easier to configure.
- Smart Mobile Detection – Will only show FBTP to users who have supported screen resolutions & sizes.