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I had to learn SEO copy the hard way… You don’t!
When I first started SEO copywriting, back in 2003, I had no idea what I was doing. None. There were no courses or books I could turn to. No communities, no podcasts, no tweetups. In fact, I was one of the only copywriters, anywhere in the world, actually focusing on search engine optimised (SEO) copy.
I learned through trial & error
The only information I had at my disposal was what I could scrounge off the web. And most of that was wrong.
So I was left to my own devices. I did a lot of trial and error (mostly error), and generally just kept my fingers crossed.
When I figured it out, I was determined to share
Over the years, I managed to figure it out. All the ins and outs. The complexities and subtleties. The problems and solutions. I squirreled it all away and built on it every day. And I always planned to share my knowledge, one day, so others wouldn’t have to struggle the way I did.
But it took me longer to start writing this book than I’d hoped
For some reason, it took a lot longer to get to this book than I expected. In fact, I wrote my general search engine optimisation ebook first: SEO Secrets… I really don’t know why. Perhaps because I already had a lot of that material written. Perhaps because writing anything useful about SEO copy is, surprisingly, harder than writing about general SEO. (And yes, perhaps I was a little afraid of undermining my competitive advantage by sharing trade secrets.)
Then I spoke at a Sydney search conference, and found a way to make the book truly useful
In mid 2009, I was asked to speak about SEO copywriting at Search Engine Bootcamp, in Sydney. In preparing for the gig, everything started to fall into place. I knew I needed to make my presentation useful, or I’d be met with a sea of blank faces (or worse, stifled yawns). When I finally figured out how to approach the presentation, I knew I’d struck on exactly the right approach for the book too. I suddenly knew what I wanted to cover, and how I needed to cover it, in order to make it really useful. I’d virtually already started writing it!
It was a few years late, but also a few years better
Now that I’ve finally gotten around to it, it’s definitely a few years late, but I like to think it’s a few years better, as a result.
It captures most of what I know about SEO copywriting and how to do it right
Practical SEO Copywriting is pretty much the sum-total of what I know about SEO copy. Not just the theory, but the practice. How to do it right. How to handle the difficulties. And most importantly, how to balance the needs of Google against the needs of your human readers.
What you’ll learn
You’ll learn from practical, realistic examples:
- 8 clever techniques that SEO copywriters use every single day — techniques that will help you avoid most of the problems you’re having with your SEO copy now
- How to resolve the 15 most common conflicts between what Google wants and what your readers want
- That SEO copywriting doesn’t have to take as much time as it’s currently taking you (or you fear it might)
- And much more…
It’s a practical book; that’s the real difference
These days, there are plenty of books out there on SEO copy. Some of them are even quite good. But none are as practical, as illustrative, as helpful in real-life SEO copywriting situations as this one. (Even if I do say so myself!)
From the outset, I wanted this book to be really useful. Really handy. Not one of those books that talks about things at a very high level, but offers nothing in the way of advice on how to get your hands dirty. I wanted you to be able to turn to it when you run into a problem you can’t resolve. To find a practical discussion of that very problem, and a practical way to resolve it.
I believe that’s what I’ve done.
I can’t guarantee I’ve covered every problem you’re likely to encounter, but I’ve certainly covered the big ones.
But only you can be the judge
That’s it! I’m done talking about the book. In the end, only you can be the judge. You’ll like it, or you won’t. But I think you will…