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Create your own portable business by taking advantage of the global demand for search engine optimization skills.
If you have ever wanted to earn a full time income, working part time, then this course is for YOU.
You’ll learn how to create your own portable business by taking advantage of the huge global demand for search engine optimization skills. Work from home, set your own hours, pick and choose your clients and take back life’s most precious commodity: TIME. You’ll discover how to harness the powers of automation and passive income to reduce your working day to 5 hours or under, without sacrificing a full-time income.
This 27 lesson video-based course comes with a full range of downloadable tools, templates and resources to ensure you can hit the ground running. Learn from the mistakes of a 18 year SEO veteran to ensure your new business is primed for success.
If you have learned – or are learning – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with a view to starting your own business or on-selling your services as a SEO freelancer, then you are in the right place. Let’s get you started on your journey…
What are the requirements?
- There are no requirements to taking this course except for a connection to the Internet.
What am I going to get from this course?
- Over 27 lectures and 2.5 hours of content!
- Launch your own independent SEO business.
- Earn the equivalent of a full-time income, working flexible part-time hours.
- Find new clients and freelance job opportunities.
- Structure your business efficiently.
- Create a functional working environment.
- Manage your time effectively.
- Establish a productive daily routine.
- Define your niche market and ideal client.
- Determine your unique selling proposition (USP).
- Set a competitive and profitable fee structure.
- Set realistic client expectations.
- Use automation to reduce working hours and increase passive income.
- Know when to hire staff and contractors.
- Learn how to have fun and avoid burnout.
- Use tools and resources to improve productivity.
- Communicate effectively with clients.
- Grow your business to meet demand.
What is the target audience?
- This course should be of particular interest to people who have learned – or are learning – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with a view to starting their own business or on-selling their services as a SEO contractor or freelancer.
- This course is for persons already familiar with SEO techniques.
- This course is NOT for persons who are looking to learn SEO from scratch.