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Dear Warriors and Lurkers…
I’m not here to dazzle you with flashy graphics, a bunch of hype with an endless wall of text making outlandish income claims.
Let’s just be real for a minute.
Most WSOs exist only to make the product creator money. Yeah, you thought the whole $4,521.78 in 4 hours was a good deal, you thought you could finally be financially free and not handcuffed by whatever situation you’re in right now.
Sadly, it turns out you just wasted time, and money.
This guide is different…
Well, I’m sure it’s going to make me money… but the truth is that if you apply what you learn, you will make money too. This isn’t just about making money though, what you will learn inside is going to give you a tool that you can use to grow your business. The knowledge you gain, is not a get rich quick scheme but an asset you carry with you.
If you’re thinking… “Well, I don’t have a business”…. then that’s fine, this isn’t a course for you. This is for freelancers, SEO consultants, web designers, those that are operating a B2B company that can benefit from email marketing. If that’s not you, please don’t waste your time reading it, or your money buying it.
I don’t have time for nonsense.
If you don’t have time to implement what is inside, and you’re afraid to put things into action, and actually work for the money you dream about… then don’t waste my time. Don’t waste your time either.
Email marketing is a great way to generate new leads for your business. You can get client after client, with just using email. COLD emails.
I get it, you don’t want to cold call. Telemarketing works, but does anyone really enjoy it? It’s also impossible to scale when it’s just you doing the calling. Combining that with email marketing, or just simply implementing a cold email marketing strategy for your business, can drastically increase your revenue, AND it’s easy to scale!
The problem with cold email marketing
A lot of people think it’s as easy as finding a few websites, sending emails through a contact form or the email address you find, but it doesn’t work out that way. They end up frustrated, depressed, and still not bringing in new leads.
They end up getting their domain names blacklisted, IPs blacklisted, emails aren’t going through, the ones that go through aren’t getting any response. It’s tough, and for those manually emailing, it’s even worse.
In this guide…
I break it down, start to finish, everything you need to know, where to get the email addresses, how to stay can-spam compliant, how to send without setting off any flags, what to do to have a good delivery rate, how to clean your emails before sending, how to stay out of spam traps.
This guide is for those that are working with clients… and want to bring in additional leads.
I also include a couple email scripts for those offering SEO and Web Design services.
I also included a BONUS for those of you that buy… it’s the Trip Wire Biz in a Box… basically, if you’re already offering services, you can implement this one little strategy and increase your profits. If you’re not currently selling services, it’s a great way to get your foot in the door and make a little bit of extra money.
Is This Right For You?
If you’re offering services, if you’re trying to get more clients, and you take yourself seriously enough to put knowledge into practice, then this is for you. You can succeed.
If you’re not there yet… no worries… this just isn’t for you. This is for the people running a business. This is for people wanting to increase their client acquisition efforts. This isn’t for people just looking for a gimmick.
If you’re broke… don’t buy this… go get a job.
If you’re one of those people that buy everything then ask for a refund, this isn’t for you. I’m not offering any guarantees, or any refunds. The product gives you knowledge, I don’t want to sell to lazy people unwilling to put it to work.
This currently costs $27 and will be available for a limited time before increasing the price. If you’re worried about $27, this isn’t for you.