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Getting new customers for your products and services is not an easy task. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you have something to sell, you want customers.
Online entrepreneurs can use free online tools to set up their own marketing system for free. In this course, I will show you how to improve your marketing results using great free online tools.
I put together some of the best tools available I use myself for marketing my project. As a bonus I will explain step by step the process of creating your own static website on your own domain using free hosting.
This course is based on my own subscription system. It’s not something artificial, it’s not some concept, it’s a real-word example of working system.
By taking this course you will get:
- 3 online tools you can use for FREE
- Tips how to use these tools
- Introduction to subscription system I use
- Real world examples of my usage of these tools
By taking this course you will be able to create:
- Free offer
- Landing page
- Autoresponder
- GitHub website
Combined together these elements create clever marketing system allowing you to automatically get new subscribers, sending them welcome e-mails and giving them your free offer. I will show you how to convince new subscribers to give you their real e-mail address instead of some fake.
This course will take about 30 minutes. It’s a short, yet effective way to get you up and running with your own marketing system in no time.
Take this course if you want to:
- Learn how to use Canva to create professional looking handbook
- Learn how to use MailerLite to create attractive landing page for you marketing campaign
- Learn how to set up autoresponder for your subscribers
- Learn how to use GitHub and GitHub Pages
- Learn how to use Facebook as a great traffic tool and lead magnet
WARNING: The content of the bonus section of this course might look familiar to the students of my other course about creating static websites. Even though the topic is similar, the content is brand new. Nothing of the original course has been reused in this course. I disclose this information to avoid bad feelings about getting the same content. Again, the topic is similar, but the content is new and more thorough, so if you stuck in the original course, this one should help you get back on track with setting up your static website.
What are the requirements?
- Students need only computer with internet access
What am I going to get from this course?
- Work with Canva to create PDF handbooks and marketing materials
- Work with MailerLite to create mailing list, landing page and autoresponder
- Work with GitHub and build repository for their free static website
- Work with Atom and edit their website template
What is the target audience?
- This course is for any freelancer, entrepreneur, even company who wants to increase their customer base by using the advantages of online presence
- This course is for beginners as well as seasoned marketers looking for new approaches
- This course is probably not suitable for very experienced Git users and HTML/CSS developers