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The Birth of Web Copywriting University
You can say that I started Web Copywriting University as a solution to the scarcity of skilled web copywriters. There simply are too many direct marketing websites needing professional web copy written — and only a small handful of expert web copywriters to do the work.
Even if one could find and afford good web copywriters (who charge a median hourly rate of $125/hour, and a high end of $235/hour, according to the Web Price Index Rate Card published by B to B Magazine), chances are, they’d be too busy to take on your project. Therefore, I wanted to provide a solution for the hundreds of thousands of website owners, Webmasters and marketing professionals who have a direct marketing website — a solution that would enable them to easily write the web copy themselves.
And that’s how Web Copywriting University came into existence.
I condensed all the persuasive copywriting techniques that have taken me a lifetime to acquire into …
… the Web Copywriting Mastery Course — a one-of-a-kind program with a 12-hour curriculum spread out over 6 weeks of tele-classes.
The Web Copywriting Mastery Course consists of a huge bank vault of trade secrets — most of which no other copywriter in existence knows, and most of which you won’t find in any book or course that’s presently being taught. I’ve held these trade secrets so close to the chest that I’ve almost forgotten their immense value.
The First Web Copywriting Mastery Course Was Completely Sold Out!
So I finally spilled my guts and revealed all in my first-ever Web Copywriting Mastery Course that I taught from October 17 through November 21. The course was limited to only 50 students, and needless to say, the course was completely sold out in record speed! Fifty students paid $997 apiece to attend my course — and I literally had to turn away all others who tried to enroll after the class had already reached maximum attendance. (Click here to read rave reviews of course graduates).
Here are just a few of the juiciest secrets I revealed in the course (I’ll tell you later how *you* can get your hands on the CD edition at a small fraction of the course tuition):
The incredible Formula for Measuring the Selling Quotient of a Website — This proprietary formula, which I invented, has been one of the most celebrated highlights of the course, and has been called the “killer app of web copywriting.” It not only enables you to accurately grade the selling ability of any web copy, but also has a built-in checklist that can help you easily get your web copy to its maximum selling potential.
Common copywriting principles that work well in direct marketing and offline markets — but fail miserably on the Web. Countless marketers and copywriters are making these deadly mistakes everyday — and don’t even know that they’re killing sales in the process
How to write marketing communications (such as e-mails to your prospects/customers that sizzle, attention-grabbing ad copy, irresistible free reports, newsletters/ezines, autoresponder messages, etc.) in a way that dramatically boosts your website sales. Having big, fat mailing lists won’t make you any money until you learn this!
How to write 19 words of web copy (or less) each morning, take the rest of the day off, and come away with a guaranteed monthly income for the next 5 years. This is a strategy that I developed — complete with the free software that will enable you to do it easily. This alone is worth more than the entire tuition.
How to take lackluster web copy (poor visitor-to-sales conversion ratio), apply a few psychological tactics, and make the website a “perpetual money machine.” If you offer to do this for other people’s websites, you’ll have more clients throwing money at you than you can imagine.
The million-dollar blueprint for writing web copy that sells — just ask 5 simple questions, and when you get the answers, your web copy will virtually write itself! You’ll never have writer’s block — or stare at a blank screen — ever again! (Don’t laugh — but my brain was doing cartwheels and backflips when I first discovered this blueprint months ago! This will slash 80% off your copywriting time.)
I showcase my best-performing (and critically-acclaimed) websites, and dissect them paragraph-by-paragraph — revealing every device, trick and strategy that goes into creating a winning website for yourself.
How to use clever, but innocent-looking devices in the first 100 words of your copy that instantly get your readers “caught in the web” of your sales process — and become willing buyers of whatever you’re selling
There is a word that is commonly used in almost all online copy I’ve ever read, that if you simply replaced it with another word, will account for a significantly higher conversion of web visitors to customers. Simply search for all instances of this word in your copy, and replace it with the word I’m going to give you — and voila! Sit back and watch your website’s sales soar.
Why you should never model your web copy on successful websites indiscriminately — you run the risk of modeling mediocre elements, and missing the undetectable ones that really matter. I’ll show you the underlying principles of powerful web copy that you must model so that your copy will produce results consistently.
How to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) strategically to maximize the persuasiveness of your web copy and all your marketing communications. I’ll teach you the sneaky way to use NLP to “fly beneath the radar” of your readers’ perception — without making your copy appear clunky, contrived and verbose (as NLP tends to be).
How to activate your prospect’s buying mode by using secret codes in your copy that cause the prospect to buy without any resistance.
How to find the most riveting (and often overlooked) angles that make information-overloaded Web surfers stop dead in their tracks and read every word of your copy
How to craft and write copy for upsells, cross-sells — and even downsells (recovery) — that multiply your sales exponentially. I’ll even show you exactly how to enter into lucrative joint ventures with others on the basis of this skill alone. This is quite literally a goldmine that I’ve never divulged before.
How to write mouth-watering “bullet points” that get your prospects’ hearts beating faster, and amplify their desire for your product or service. This technique is so powerful that your prospects will literally feel guilty and deprived if they don’t buy whatever you’re selling
The exact wording you must use in your ezines, newsletters and other e-mail communications so that people will look forward with anticipation to your next e-mail — and tear it open when they do receive it.
What you should do if the web copy you’ve written is not generating as much sales as you expected. This is the absolute best way to inject “selling octane” into weak web copy. It’s absolutely fool-proof!
Learn the little-known, seemingly innocent punctuation marks and secret formatting devices and simple language refinements that convert more prospects into customers by as much as 30%, 40% — even 50% or more. If you don’t know how to do these easy things — you are definitely leaving a lot of money on the table.
The top 5 words you must avoid using in your web copy. When you use these words, you will eliminate all chances of ever making a sale.
How to write the all-important subject line of your e-mail so that your recipients will read it now — instead of reading it later, or even (gulp!) deleting your e-mail altogether without even reading it.
How to never run out of hot web copywriting ideas — there’s even free software that will make your research process a breeze, and help you “flesh out” your copy in minimum time
What is the most important objective in e-mail marketing? You gotta get your e-mail delivered. This may sound obvious, but when you write your e-mails in a certain style or use certain words, e-mail servers that use sophisticated filters may identify your message as spam, and block your e-mail from getting delivered. Learn how to write properly so that this will never happen to you.
How to scour the web looking for great (but poorly marketed) products, use your web copywriting skills to market them better, and negotiate lucrative deals that pay you handsome residuals
How to craft text links that are engaging — and highly clickable. Here, I reveal some of my jealously-guarded devices, and I’m swearing you to secrecy on these.
How to use your web copywriting skills to enter into lucrative joint ventures with Internet entrepreneurs that will pay you dividends on your work for many years to come
The top 3 rules of writing compelling, irresistible web copy. If you do nothing else but follow these 3 rules — you’ll dramatically boost the profitability of any website
So you see, I condensed everything I’ve learned about web copywriting over the last 6 years (not to mention 19 years of traditional copywriting) into 12 hours of pure, unadulterated substance. Quite frankly, there isn’t a course out there that’s as comprehensive as this — at any price — that can propel any website to record earnings in 6 weeks.