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What if you could easily and quickly…
- Write articles, blog posts, solo mailings, even sales letters by simply filling-in-blanks!
- Refer to hundreds of idea starters for virtually limitless things to write about for every subject!
- Swipe actual headlines and subject lines that grab your prospects attention.
- Access a complete library of everything you need to write faster, easier and better for a greater, more profitable business!
Dear Content Creator,
Imagine for a moment if you took your car to an auto mechanic for a simple oil change, and he told you it would take a full day to complete the simple task.
You look around the garage and there’s not another customer in sight. Surely a 20 minute job shouldn’t take all day if you’re the only customer, right?
The garage is completely empty. There’s not a single tool around. Not even a screwdriver or a pair of pliers. No funnels. And certainly there are no power tools or computer diagnostics.
You turn back to the mechanic and look at him quizzically with a cocked eyebrow.
I’m pretty sure if you ran into a mechanic without tools, you’d probably laugh and take your business elsewhere. You’d have to shake your head at anyone who took all day to do a 20 minute job, simply because they were too stubborn to use a few tools – not to mention the right tools.
But you and I both know this is such a completely ridiculous example that it would never happen in real life. You’d never find a mechanic working without tools. And likewise, you’d never find a plumber, carpenter or even a janitor working without the right tools to make the job easier and faster.
Yet take a look around, and you’ll see plenty of other professionals working without the right tools — maybe even YOU. Because if you do ANY type of writing – from blog articles to newsletters to social media posts to sales letters and emails – without the right tools, then you’re going to find yourself taking all day to do a 20 minute writing job.