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Hi there, this is Matt Rhodes, and I want to thank you for being a VIP customer of James Jones.
James invited me to show you an experiment that I’ve been running over the past year. This experiment has created multiple streams of monthly income for my business, and it’s easy for me to create new streams of income anytime I want.
It all started when I was doing research on the Kindle marketplace. I published dozens of books for Kindle under various pen names and found that some of them simply weren’t getting any sales. I was getting discouraged because a lot of time and effort went into these books.
After struggling to publish books for the Kindle marketplace, I knew I had to do something differently and give it one last try. I knew that a lot of people were doing really well with Kindle, but I wasn’t sure what they were doing right, and what I was doing wrong.
So, I was looking on the Kindle Marketplace to try to figure out where I had gone wrong with the books I published. When I made the decision to closely study the books that were selling the best on Kindle, it finally hit me.
I had been fighting in the wrong niches the entire time.
See, there’s one Kindle niche that outsells every other…you’ve definitely heard of it. In fact, you’ve been a consumer of this market…
It’s the fiction book niche.
I was shocked to learn that Fiction books were drastically outselling the non-fiction educational books I had been publishing for so long. I should have gotten a hint when I saw that fiction books dominate almost all of the listings on the top 100 Kindle bestseller list.
I instantly knew that my biggest problem was that I wasn’t following the money. You can’t expect to make hundreds or thousands of dollars per month from your book if no one wants to buy it in the first place.
On the other hand, there’s always a raving market for fiction books. People can’t get enough of them.
Traditionally, people think that publishing Fiction books means writing long novels. Of course, I’m not a novel writer. I’m not even a story writer. So, I knew that I would need to have someone else do the actual writing for me.
Using my sources, I found several great writers, and asked a couple of them to write a special type of fiction book for me based on the research I had done. When I ask most people how much they think it costs to have a story written, that’s fully ready-to-sell, I usually get a number in the range of thousands of dollars.
That number is dead wrong.
I’ve had entire fiction books written for well under $200, and I’m able to keep all of the profit myself.
There’s a misconception that great story writers are hard to find and expensive. I’ve found exactly the opposite to be true. Most people just don’t know where to look. In fact, in some cases, you can even get writers to write for free. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on my experiment, especially considering I had been burned in the past. I wanted to make sure that I earned a return on the money I spent. I try to take only cheap, low-risk investments.
Despite that, my tiny investments are paying off big.
The first fiction book I published cost only $185 to write and produce, from beginning to end. Within a day of publishing my new book, sales immediately flooded in. My $185 investment turned into a profit stream that is currently averaging me a return of $304 per month. It’s an absolutely huge return on my investment, considering the book completely paid for itself less than 4 weeks after publishing it.
Given the huge success of my first fiction book, it was an obvious decision to reinvest some of the profits into another book. The results I got the second time weren’t quite as good as the first book I published, but they were still stellar by most standards. I invested $225 to have the book written, and it’s currently averaging me $178 per month.
Even though I wasn’t making quite as much as my first book, I knew that most people would kill to earn $178 per month on an upfront investment of only $225. This book paid for itself completely less than 6 weeks after it was published, and all of the money I make now is pure gravy.
At this point, I was pretty sure that my system worked like clockwork, but I wanted to give it one more test. This time, I made the decision to invest a little more in my book to see how it would affect my sales. I had the entire book written for $370, and days after publishing, my book was already averaging $256 per month in sales, and sales for this book are on a steep upward trend.
After getting results like this, book after book, I knew I was on to something.
I keep finding great writers, hiring them for pennies of what they’re worth to me, and having them pump out books. The writers do all of the heavy lifting for me, I just take care of the marketing (which is the easy part when you know what people want to read.)
Everyone wins. I invest a little bit of money to have these proven story writers write a book for me in a hot fiction market, then I reap the rewards. My monthly royalty checks come in month after month. The problem is, no matter how hard I try, I couldn’t publish enough books to dominate every hot fiction market even if I wanted to.
There’s no limit to the number of books that can be published for these markets. They can never be fully saturated. Yet I have the whole process figured out, like a printing press.
So, I’ve decided to run an experimental training program and invite a very limited number of students to take advantage of my new system, called the Fiction Book Formula.
Before I tell you about it, I need to warn you that Fiction Book Formula is NOT for everyone. See, this is obviously a system that works. I’m using it right now to earn more and more monthly income in my niche businesses. There’s a LOT of room in the market, but I want there to be a 0% chance that this system will become saturated.
So, only serious students will have the opportunity to join. Even though the process is cookie cutter simple, it still DOES require some work. You have to be the ringleader, at least to start. You can always outsource the process to a manager later.
If you’re down to your last dollar, this system is simply not for you. Although I provide you with a technique to get other people to write for you without paying them a dime upfront, some small, smart investments will be extremely beneficial in helping your fiction book to sell.
So, with all of that in mind, let me tell you about Fiction Book Formula.
I’ve released Fiction Book Formula to a select group of early-bird students. This is an experimental test pilot run of the Fiction Book Formula system. Although I’ve followed this system myself with success, I haven’t yet tested it with a group of students. I’m going to take a small group of highly-motivated individuals who are looking to publish high-quality fiction books.
You are going to get the exact system that I’m using.
This is not a fly-by-night or flavor-of-the-month program. Because of the way I’ve published these books, I will be able to earn money from them for years to come.
I want you to be able to get similar results of your own, so here is you will get when you become a student of Fiction Book Formula:
– You get 16 step-by-step videos that detail the exact process I follow, from A-to-Z.
Nothing is left out. These are not hour-long videos. Rather, each video is between 2 and 15 minutes long, giving you the exact detail you need. They are topic-specific and designed to be easy to reference anytime you need them. Simply follow the instructions in these videos, follow the step-by-step formula that I’ve laid out for you, and you’ll have a brand new fiction book that sells like crazy.
These videos cover everything you need to know, from how to research the best-selling fiction books to choosing a title to hiring a writer and publishing your book. It’s not difficult.
– Get More Sales Advanced Promotional Techniques Video
In the last video of Fiction Book Formula, I reveal advanced techniques that anyone can use to promote their books and get more sales. Even though Amazon organically drives heavy sales to your fiction books, you can use some of these little-known secret methods to help push your book higher in the Bestseller rankings.
– Copy-and-Paste Template #1: Story Writer Hiring Template
That’s not all though. You are going to get the exact copy-and-paste template I’m using to hire my fiction writers right now. You can start using this template right away to hire the best story writers to create high-quality fiction books.
This template is special because it specifically produces your book in a way so that it costs as little as possible, while still providing high-profit potential.
– Copy-and-Paste Template #2: Professional Book Publishing Template
If that weren’t enough, I’m going to give you a book template that you can use to produce your own Fiction books. This book layout document is similar to the ones used by professional publishing companies, to give your book as much credibility as possible. The more professional your book’s appearance, the more copies you sell.
It’s that simple.
– Copy-and-Paste Template #3: Theme and Plot Story Template
You’re also going to get a copy of my Theme and Plot Template. This template is part of the system that I use to describe exactly what kind of story I want my writers to publish in my book.
This template is powerful, so give it to your writers only after you hire them. You determine what kind of story you want to publish during your research and this template does the rest of the work for you.
– My Personal Research List: Hottest Fiction Markets and Storylines
Last, you’re going to get exclusive access to my personal research list of popular fiction niches. These are fiction markets that are packed to the brim with hungry readers, looking to buy your latest fiction book. You can use this list to come up with an almost never-ending stream of bestselling story ideas.
It’s obvious.
Fiction Book Formula contains all of the training and tools you need to get started with your own fiction book publishing business. When it’s this simple and cheap to get top-quality writers to write books for you, you can publish book after book and watch your monthly income grow.
As a current customer of mine, you’re invited to use Fiction Book Formula in your business to see if it’s right for you. This offer is not available to the public at this time.
I’m looking only for serious students who are willing to be a case study for Fiction Book Formula in the future. It’s easy to produce multiple fiction books at once, but we still need students to follow the steps. Most people simply aren’t willing to do the work, so I’m only calling for action takers to participate in our Fiction Book Formula experimental training program.
Although there is easily $4,000 to $5,000 worth of real value in Fiction Book Formula, I wanted to make sure it was available to you at a fair discounted price, especially for this test pilot launch. I know that the people who can get the most use out of this program can’t afford to dish out thousands of dollars.
So, during this one-time event for John and Jay, you’re going to get access to Fiction Book Formula for 3 monthly installments of only $97. I don’t need to tell you that this price is a fraction of the value that Fiction Book Formula contains. It’s easily worth $1,000′s or even $10,000′s to anyone who takes action on the step-by-step training and tools.
You can join at the discounted price only until midnight eastern time, on Tuesday, July 16th. After that time, we are closing our doors to focus on our existing students. Please note that you will not have the opportunity to purchase at the pre-launch price again. This is a one-time, exclusive discount only for previous customers of James Jones.
If you’re looking to save even more money, you can claim an additional $50 discount and become a Fiction Book Formula student by paying in only one installment of $241.
But no matter which payment option you choose, you’re making a smart decision, because you’re also going to get two additional bonuses as a student of Fiction Book Formula.
Bonus #1: Ten-Times-Your-Money 365 Day Money Back Guarantee
First, you’re going to receive our 1-Year Ten-Times-Your-Money Guarantee. I want you to use and apply the techniques inside Fiction Book Formula for one full year. If you don’t agree that it’s worth ten times your investment, just let me know within the next 365 days and I’ll refund every penny.
Most people offer a 30 or 60 day guarantee. I’m confident this is a system that will work for you, and that’s why I’m proud to offer this 1 Year Guarantee as an added bonus.
Bonus #2: 30 Days Direct Access to Matt, with Full Q&A Documentation for all Members
Second, Fiction Book Formula students will be able to ask me questions directly during the first 4 weeks after launch. This is to ensure that I’ve delivered every single tool and training that you need to get started. Answers to every question asked will be available to students to make sure everyone fully grasps exactly what you need to do to make this work for you.
As I’ve said, I’m offering Fiction Book Formula at this pre-launch discount because I want to ensure that every student applies my system and gets results.
Offering you these bonuses are the best way I can think of to ensure that you are as successful and confident as possible in your decision.
So, let’s review everything you’re going to get as a student inside Fiction Book Formula one last time…
First, you get 16 step-by-step videos that detail the exact process I follow. Each video is topic-specific and focused on a single element of the Fiction Book Formula system. These videos are between 2 and 15 minutes long, so that you can absorb and apply the training immediately after watching. Anyone can watch these videos and understand the entire system, from beginning to end.
This also includes the advanced fiction book promotion video, where I reveal advanced techniques that anyone can use to promote their books and get more sales. These techniques are simple and effective, and many of them are free or surprisingly cheap.
You also get 3 copy-and-paste fiction book templates. The first template, my Story Writer Hiring Template, specifically produces your book in a way so that it costs as little as possible, while still providing you with a book that can earn a large monthly return.
The second template, my Book Publishing Template, is designed to give your book as much credibility as possible. The more professional your book’s appearance, the more copies you sell.
The last template is my Theme and Plot Template. You give this template to your writers only after you hire them. You determine what kind of story you want to publish with your research, then this template does the rest of the work for you.
On top of the training videos and templates, you’re also going to get exclusive access to my personal research list of popular fiction niches. These are hot fiction markets that are filled with hungry fiction readers. It’s impossible not to have a great story written after referencing this tried-and-true list of proven fiction niches.
Don’t forget your two bonuses.
First, you’re backed by our ten-times-your-money 1 year guarantee. This eliminates all of the risk from your decision. Simply take all of the training and templates inside Fiction Book Formula and apply them to your business for one full year. If you don’t feel they’re worth 10 times what you paid, let us know within 365 days of purchase and we’ll refund every penny.
Second, I’m going to be personally involved with Fiction Book Formula students. Students will have access to a detailed question and answer document that answers every question I receive for the first 4 weeks after launch. I know the best way for students to become case studies is to make sure that you know how to make the system work for you.
You can take part in the Fiction Book Formula Test Pilot Program for only $97 today, then 2 monthly payments of $97. Or, you can save $50 and get access for a one-time investment of only $241. Either way, you get access to everything you see on your screen. If you think you might be a good fit for Fiction Book Formula, choose your discounted payment option by clicking the Add to Cart button right now.
Please note that access will not be available at any price once the doors close on July 16th. To be fair to everyone, I’m not making any exceptions.
Take action right now and click the Add to Cart button to get started. Thank you for watching this video, and for your interest in becoming a Fiction Book Formula student. I look forward to working with you.