Sales Page:
Value: $997
Download Size: 5MB
Direct Download Link: (No Ads, No Waiting Time, No Capcha)

The “Membernaire ” membership site sells for $324.00
(12 months X $27 per month) for PERSONAL USE ONLY and is now available with PLR rights
With your license order you will receive…
- All 52 weekly lessons in editable .doc format.
- A slightly modified version of the original salesletter. (Removed my name, etc.) already formatted in HTML. (To review the original salesletter, Click Here.)
- Several miscellaneous HTML pages useful to using the materials
And, most importantly…
Private Label Rights License (PLR) To Do Almost Anything You
Want With The Entire Year’s Worth Of Membership Content!
You can…
- Setup your own weekly FTM membership site like my original Membernaire and sell memberships on autopilot for $27 per month!
- Take some of the curriculum and convert it into a 4-week “eclass” that you charge $297-$497 to access!
- Break up the content into smaller reports that you sell for $15-$25 each!
- Bundle several lessons into a larger product that you sell for $47-$97.
(Hint: You could take 5-6 lessons and make them the main product, then offer 3 of the lessons as individual bonus reports for a full product!) - Use the content to create a massive “physical” product that you sell for $997 or even more!
This is a rare opportunity to own PLR licensing to
over 800 meaty pages of RED HOT “Start A Membership Site” content!
I’m not going to try to “sell” you on this. It’s not for everyone. It’s a MASSIVE amount of content to a hugely successful membership site and it’s not going to be in the budget for everyone.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the nature of this offer,
there are absolutely NO REFUNDS available .