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“Who Is Mitch Miller And Why Is He Saying These Terrible Things About Consultants?”
Say Goodbye To Proposals, Accepting Low Fees, Begging For Business, Or Competing With Those Other Sheep Ever Again… It’s Time To Step Up, Put On Your Big Boy Pants, And Start Acting Like The Powerful, Respected, Bad Ass Consultant I Know You Really Are…
The Real Secret: You Need To Seem Larger Than Life
This is the secret I was referring to and nobody wants to admit it.
They usually play the whole “anti guru” shtick, and make no mistake, it works very well – just don’t fall for it yourself!
It’s a damn smart strategy to play the part of the guy who is “just like you” who happened to “stumble upon something cool” that works and needs to share it with the world.
But re-read my statement above and you will see the magic phrase… Play the part. It’s an act. It’s a PERFORMANCE.
And that, my soon to be rich friend is the secret to this entire game and the reason you have been struggling so far. This entire game is a performance.
Even the guys who don’t seem like they are acting… are usually the best actors.
Don’t get me wrong – it doesn’t mean they are not authentic, it simply means they are masters at controlling your perceptions of them…
They are gaming you.
And even though they may have you believe they are just being themselves, the real truth is every move is calculated on some level… at least in the beginning until it becomes who they are.
Like an actor who can move you to tears, or a speech by someone like Martin Luther King, or watching Tony Robbins move mass amounts of people with his energy and way of being.
Take an authentic powerhouse like Gary Vaynerchuk. I doubt he sits at the dinner table with his family acting like the intense, passion dripping nutcase he does in his videos. Of course not. He puts on a show for you.
He has carefully crafted a persona for us – he takes who he is, cranks it to level 10 then adds a dash of swagger. Watch his stuff, don’t think for a minute he’s not entertaining you!
As he should… as we all should… this is the game of sales – never forget you are being sold, and never forget to sell… and selling is a performance.
Everyone Puts On A Show
Watching Stone Cold Steve Austin entertaining and engaging 90,000 people at a live WWE event made it crystal clear to me:
People NEED to believe in someone larger than life.
The infamous Frank Kern said in an interview he had with Joe Polish many years ago that his public persona was crafted. He literally said “My online persona is the embodiment of the person my market wishes they could be”.
Many people believe Frank is “just Frank”, but what he shows you is planned, calculated, and strategically thought out in advance. This is the truth of becoming elite in this game, and you better start playing by the real rules if you want to get to the top.
Learning how to perfect your persona is the missing link you need to SELL YOURSELF.
Tony Robbins said: “I constructed this fucking Tony Robbins guy. I constructed him, I created him, he was me, but I built this motherfucker… I created this motherfucker standing here.”
When it comes to selling ourselves and our services, we are always putting on a show.
You do it now, whether you realize it or not – we are always trying to put our best foot forward.
The real question is: How good of a show are you going to give them?
Your role models don’t tell you all of the little manipulations they do in order to control the way you see them, and truth be told, many are too dumb to know they are even doing it.
But before I reveal the details of the program
Here’s Another Quick Tip You Can Use Right Now:
DITCH the business cards.
DITCH the laptop.
DITCH the briefcase (do they even make those anymore?)
The more successful a person is, the less “stuff” they carry with them to meetings and public gatherings.
Think about it.
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump ain’t walking around with a briefcase. He ain’t carrying around his laptop computer either.
Low level people lug around these things in front of other people.
There are always rare exceptions, but look around you, and study the greats – I am telling you it’s true.
So one secret for you right off the bat, is to not be seen with things that project lower status!
By showing up to a meeting, networking event, or seminar with nothing but your powerful charisma and outfit (Which I discuss at length in the program), you convey power and high status.
Taking notes in your head instead of your phone, shows you are high up on the totem pole, so remember:
Nobody seeks advice from the wise man at the bottom of the hill…
It’s The Little Things Dude.
And another “little thing” that makes all the difference, is not being available for random incoming calls.
Again, name a very important person you can just ring up?
I dare you to try it.
Track down someone super important and try to reach them. Go ahead, call up Elon Musk… you ain’t getting through!
They got like, things to do.
Status is everything in this business.
People MUST perceive you being in high demand. Diamonds would be utterly worthless if the supply was greater than the demand, and so would you.
Use this universal law to your advantage.
One more thing
Stop Answering Your Damn Phone!
Not answering will save you time and allow you to serve your clients better.
I was going to wait until you bought the program, but Would you like to know another secret you can deploy right now that will instantly boost your status and make clients begin chasing you?
Here it is:
Find someone of the opposite sex, and have them record your brand new, high status voicemail message.
“Hi, welcome to _____. Because of the high demand for _____’s time, we are no longer taking incoming calls from non-clients. If you are a current client, please leave your message after the tone and I’ll immediately book you a phone appointment with ______. If you are considering becoming a client, please visit to fill out a simple questionnaire. If we think there may be a fit, I will book a 15 minute appointment between you and ______. Thank you.”
Do you see how powerful this is? It says all the right things about you:
You respect your time and theirs
You are in high demand
You quickly take care of current clients
You are picky and have an intake process
You are making them chase you for once
The most common objection I get to an approach like this is “Won’t this actually scare away potential clients?”
No, and here’s why:
Any potential client who doesn’t respect you as an authority WILL eventually undermine your advice and expertise anyway.
I am sure you have dealt with this before.
I have many times.
I mean, they hire you as their expert, then proceed to tell you exactly how to do your job!
It’s whacky,
As much fun as it is to vent and get pissed off, the truth is it’s our fault because we haven’t set the right tone from the start.
You’re either the buyer or the seller my friend.
In this business