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I believe that anyone, no matter who they are or what they do can earn a 6 figure income using the internet.
Everyone has within them the tools and knowledge to change other people’s lives and earn a substantial income doing it.
I absolutely believe in the principle of working smarter not harder and the internet is the only tool you need to make this happen.
Never before has it been so easy to connect with like minded people from all over the world. The simple truth is, if you want a 6 or even 7 figure income all you have to do is to connect with a group of like minded people and give them what they want. automated 6 figure online business in as little as 90 days from now.
That’s it…. There’s no magic solution or push button software or amazing shortcut that will get you there any faster. Simply connect with the right people, help them get to where they have already set their mind to go and you’ll never want for money again.
Hi my name is Nigel Hinds…. Im the ceo and founder of WWW.DIGITALMARKETINGSHORTCUTS.COM. I’ve personally helped people from all walks of life to gain their freedom from the restraints of normal life and to get the lifestyle they have always wanted.
I’m also the author of “ The Easy Way To Make Your First Million Online ” and ” The 6 Figure laptop Lifestyle” which can be found on AMAZON.COM and the creator of the acclaimed “ Quick Start Pro ” coaching program where I take on 100 students every year and transform them in to online entrepreneurs. I’ve also worked with some of the best 6 and 7 figure marketers online and continue to stay at the cutting edge of online marketing so I can impart only the very latest and best knowledge to my clients.
Many people have invested thousands of dollars to gain access to the knowledge and blueprints available in my training. My passion is to help you gain your freedom by working smarter not harder and to help you implement some super easy systems in your online business that have the power not only to generate huge sums of cash but to also give you back the one thing very few people in this world can afford and that is TIME.
Let me help you get back your TIME by showing you my 6 figure blueprint for success.
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I’m also the author of “ The Easy Way To Make Your First Million Online ” and ” The 6 Figure laptop Lifestyle” which can be found on AMAZON.COM and the creator of the acclaimed “ Quick Start Pro ” coaching program where I take on 100 students every year and transform them in to online entrepreneurs. I’ve also worked with some of the best 6 and 7 figure marketers online and continue to stay at the cutting edge of online marketing so I can impart only the very latest and best knowledge to my clients.
Many people have invested thousands of dollars to gain access to the knowledge and blueprints available in my training. My passion is to help you gain your freedom by working smarter not harder and to help you implement some super easy systems in your online business that have the power not only to generate huge sums of cash but to also give you back the one thing very few people in this world can afford and that is TIME.
Let me help you get back your TIME by showing you my 6 figure blueprint for success.
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I grew up on a farm in Ireland. My father worked day and night to give me and my sister the best life he could.
My mother gave up her nursing career to raise us to be the best children we could be. Money was a luxury in our house back then but despite this my sister and I had a very happy childhood.
In school I struggled with learning. I wasn’t the brightest but managed to pass all my test with a lot of help and encouragement.
At the age of 14 I told my father I would not be taking over the family farmer and at the age of 17 I went straight from high school to work in an automotive store.
In the intervening years I went through many, many jobs, 16 in all until I decided to start my own carpentry business.
I Fought To Keep My Business….
However after working very hard for years to build my business up to be listed as one of the top 5 supplier of closet doors in the country, it was the year 2008 and the biggest recession in 50 years struck with no warning.
However, not one to give up I fought hard for the next few years to keep the business id put everything in to from closing.
I’ll never forget one of the worst day’s was when I had to let my best friend go and tell my wife if a miracle didn’t happen we would lose everything.
I really didn’t know where to turn, all I knew was how to build things using my hands.
That’s When I Discovered….
Another 2 years passed with my business just bearly keeping us alive, my credit card maxed out buying one cheap get rich product after another and I was no further along than the day I started. I couldn’t understand why I was able to start and run a successful carpentry business but 2 years of learning about internet marketing had gotten me nowhere.
It wasn’t till I went to throw out all the products I had bought that I realises that id been going about it all wrong. The guys that sold me those products were getting rich from people like me. I launched my first product a few months after that and my wife and I held our breath that night. In the morning I logged on to my paypal account to see how much I had earned.
I logged in and my face dropped, my product had bommed. I didn’t get one sale, I was heart broken and almost gave up there and then. But my wife told me not to give up at the first hurdle. So I went online and started asking questions in all the popular marketing forums.
I wanted to know why my product had bommed and what I could do about it. It didn’t take me a long time to get my answer. I was following the wrong information. I had bought tons of cheap products and was trying to piece all that information together so that it made sence.
Oh How The Table’s Have Turned….
So many people want to start an online business for the huge amounts of money you can earn in a relatively short space of time.
But I have found that the money is only second to the freedom this type of business provides.
When I was running my carpentry business I was up at 6.30 and on the road by 7am for my 1 hour journey to my workshop. Then after an 8,9 or 10 hour day id have to do that journey all over again and this went on 5 days a week.
I remember sitting in my office at 10 or 11pm at night trying to finish the paperwork I needed for the next day and trying to stop myself from falling asleep. More often than not I would have to go visit clients on Saturdays as it was the most convenient day to see them.
That left Sundays, which I was mostly to tired to do anything with my wife and son.
Oh how the tables have turned, I still get up around 8am but only because my little has has to go to school and I love dropping him down and seeing him so excited to go to school ( that won’t last for long ) .
After that I would normally dedicate 2 to 3 hours each day, 4 days a week to my business and the rest of the time I pretty much do what I want. With my old carpentry company I could only take 1 weeks holidays a year because if I went for any longer I could lose the clients I had but now my family and I take 4 or 5 holidays a year.
Yes my life changed, but none of this happened overnight and if you are one of those people that believe that’s there’s some sort of magic button or special software that’s going to do all the work for you and just shovel money in to your bank account then please don’t contact me.
Earning big money online is actually very simple but most people make it harder on themselves. Most people fail to make any money at all online because they have no direction. They are too busy running around trying to learn advanced tactics when they don’t even have their own squeeze page or product.
You need to get the basics right first. You wouldn’t build a house by starting with the roof would you!!!.
So why do so many people start their internet marketing journey by trying to learn all the different ways of driving traffic to a site. You can have all the traffic in the world but if you don’t have a way to convert that traffic in to paying customers…
YOU DONT HAVE A BUSINESS…its that simple.
We were able to move from a very small 2 bed where our back yard was 20foot by 20foot to a 5 bed house with a huge back yard so big it takes my gardener almost 2 hours just to mow my lawn. If you settle for what you have in life right now, then that’s all you will ever have. But if you strive to improve yourself then your life can change in dramatic ways in a relatively short period of time. It just takes ONE STEP to make it happen.
I’m not showing you any of this to brag or say ” look at me, look how great I am ” but I do want to get you inspired by it. I never dreamed my life could change like this. As far as I was concerned I’d be working as a carpenter for the rest of my life. But when life turns on you, like it did when the recession hit, then you have two choices. You either sit there and cry about how unfair it all is or you can change. I was just an ordinary carpenter who hadn’t a clue about making money online so if i can do it THEN ANYONE CAN…..