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You may ask, why would I want to become a person who is certified as a NLP Practitioner?
Picture this, you have started to find ways of overcoming the challenges you’re having in the here and now.
Imagine you’re starting to learn this material and imagine improving your confidence, motivation, relationships, busting habits… imagine you’ve overcome fear like, presenting fears or the fear of spiders… imagine you are helping other people too…
Imagine you have discovered ways to get rid of negative feelings that held you back for ages…imagine knowing how to deal with difficult people, children, customers and much more…well, you’re probably thinking that that would be useful wouldn’t it?
If you agree, and you’re ready to improve now, then…this is the course for you…
With the power of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) this online course can help you learn how to feel great and much much more…
NLP happens to be one of the most advanced technologies for creating human change both in individuals and groups in Education, Business, Coaching, Sales, Therapy, Sports Performance and basically any area where human beings need to improve their own performance in life, work & business.
“I have fully audited the Auspicium Home Study & Online NLP Practitioner certification course and found the content to be thorough, well-founded and excellently designed to provide a logical learning-journey that will stimulate learners wanting practical skills in NLP. I can recommend this course.”
Dr Angus McLeod, 2012. Author, International Coach & Visiting Professor of Coaching at Birmingham City University. UK
By completing this programme you can get an Accredited Certification from ITOL
What are some of the benefits I’ll get by deciding to go ahead and do this online course?
- Improve your own confidence
- Save hours of classroom time and days out of the office which the boss may not give you
- Study in private & Save £thousands by learning in your own time
- Download the MP3 tracks to take with you on your iPhone / iPAD or other MP3 device
- Discover how to improve your relationships (with children, your boss, your friends, your customers, your partner etc…)
- Discover how to improve your communicating skills (so you win more business, deliver better presentations, get your message across more clearly and more)
- Discover how to irradicate a Phobia or fear quickly (even mild fear like the fear of presenting)
- Fine tune your rapport skills and build deeper and more meaningful relationships easily
- Find out how improving your understanding of body language is so valuable (and learn the myths that get you into trouble)
- Have fun learning the language patterns of the greatest influencers of our time and start using them confidently
- Enjoy learning how your own thinking can cause you challenges and be amazed at how you can change your thinking and change your results quickly
- Be suprised at how easy it is to learn from this material including, how to eradicate bad habits like nail bitting or over indulgance in chocolate or wine!
- See how becoming a great coach (is really useful for anyone who wants to help other people, colleagues, customers, sales people, children, sports teams, management or any other person that would benefit from coaching, perhaps just like you…)
- Imagine earning a part time income by becoming a great coach and people helper. You can earn a minimum of £350+ for just one hours work by helping people overcome a phobia. Most people will pay £1,000’s to eliminate a phobia.
- Go on and continue to develop your coaching / leadership skills and join the fastest growing industry in the world (outside of IT) . Many coaches we’ve trained earn a comfortable £SIX FIGURE INCOME and some are very close to £SEVEN FIGURES
- Have a good time while learning GOAL achievement strategies used by successful people and how these models, when used could be the difference that makes the difference to you and the people you care about
- This one’s great…Learn how to use anchoring to help you feel unstoppable when things are not feeling tip-top
- Enjoy learning to get rid of negative feelings that stop you moving forward
- You be the judge of this benefit…Learn how to model other successful peoples behaviours so you can replicate their results in you
- A ONLINE FORUM to share your experience and learnings with other people on your course
- FREE Webinars to learn and share from experienced and very successful Master trainers who can share ways to get the most from your online experience
- And so much more in this fantastic online NLP Practitioner home study programme
This is a professionally recorded, produced and peer reviewed NLP Home Study series of 16 Modules containing over 32 + hours of the NLP Practitioner syllabus, including 8 professionally filmed (3 cameras angles) NLP demonstrations with 19 volunteers over 2 days.
These NLP demonstrations will enable you to become an outstanding NLPers and includes a comprehensive 160 page manual that guides you through the core elements, methodologies and techniques that are essential for your success as a NLP Practitioner.
For your convenience, we have created the course online so you can watch, listen and interact with this blended learning programme.
This programme has been created by some of the top NLP Trainers in the world including Master Trainer of Hypnosis & ANLP Accredited Trainer of NLP, David Key.
This material has been peer reviewed by many well known NLP Trainers, Authors & ANLP.
This programme contains models that are NOT available in any other product in the World as the models were created by the trainers who created this outstanding and comprehensive material including the NLP Present™ designed by David Key.
In this programme you will also learn 2 VERSIONS of the Meta Model. The traditional old world model taught in most schools of NLP and the New World Model.
This material is used globally by many top NLP Trainers who have rebranded this programme which is a testament to the high quality of this ONLINE course.
In Modules 1 – 8 you will discover and learn:
- Introduction to NLP (The foundations of NLP)
- Presuppositions of NLP (Empowering Beliefs which will move you to action and get you unstuck)
- Conscious and Unconscious Mind (Understand why your unconscious mind is where it’s happening and how to tap into your creative genius)
- Sensory Acuity & Rapport (Learn how to build closer relationships and blow away the misconceptions of body language)
- Representational Systems & Eye Accessing Cues (Why the eyes are the window to the soul and how to make sense of your world)
- SMART Goal Setting (An extremely useful GOAL achieving model)
- NLP Present ™ Goal Setting (when combined with SMART (old world) the NLP Present (New World) model, you’ll start achieving what you want quickly)
- Submodalities (It’s your Brain software and perhaps now it’s time to condition yourself for more success and maybe help other people overcome phobias, fears, stop eating chocolate, drinking too much, stop smoking, stopping nail biting along with other habit busting patterns) Some people pay £1,000’s to overcome a phobia and with this model you WILL be learning you can help most people with phobias in less than 20 minutes.
In Modules 9 – 16 you will discover and learn:
- Emotional Freedom with Anchoring (Stop being hooked and controlled by other people, feel great instead of down, feel empowered when speaking in public or going into an interview, make it so other people feel great being around you, trigger positive feelings at the click of your fingers in the blink of an eye and much more)
- Advanced Anchoring ( learn how to get rid of negative emotional states that have been haunting you or other people for years in just a few minutes)
- Intro to Neurolinguistics & Chunking (Learn and master language patterns that can help you become more influential and persuasive, learn to cut through the banter to get to the heart of a problem when coaching, interviewing or selling, make overwhelming challenges seem more managable and bearable when chunked down into bite sized tasks)
- Milton Model (Learn the artfully vague language patterns of ONE of the greatest hypnotherapists of the 20th Century and learn how utilisation and vague ambiguous language patterns can help people go into trance. By bypassing people’s conscious mind, you can learn how to influence people’s unconscious minds elegantly and easily. Learn the language patterns used by Politicians, Oprah Winfrey, Paul MacKenna, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, advertisers and some of the greatest Orators to ever walk the planet. Now you will be able to master these language patterns of influence easily)
- The Meta Model x 2 (Sometimes people get stuck in their own language and by Meta Modelling with this Online Course you can learn how to help get unstuck)