Paget Kagy – Unlocking Codes of Abundance

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Paget Kagy – Unlocking Codes of Abundance

What you can Learn from Paget Kagy – Unlocking Codes of Abundance?

Life-changing 22-module process that walks you through the true energy mechanics of wealth from 7-figure 1st time business owner. UNLOCking Codes of Abundance. Embody the version of you who can manifest high-levels of abundance into your reality at the DNA level. Anyone can be rich. But are you energetically aligned for it?

  • 22 Recorded Frequency Clearings that will eliminate main Energy Blocks around Money at the DNA Level
  • 22 Easy to Follow Lessons to help you identify your blocks
  • 22 Short Exercises to take inspired action and confirm shifts in your external reality
  • Private Facebook Community of supportive peers
  • Step1 – Identify Your Financial Ceilings
  • Step 2 – Clear Your Money Energy Blocks
  • Step 3 – Activate Your Abundance Codes