Sales Page:
Value: $270
Download Size: 21.7GB
Direct Download Link: (No Ads, No Waiting Time, No Capcha)

Course Description:
This marketing system in a box teaches business owners how to utilize low cost online marketing techniques to make sure their business is found online when customers are searching for their product or services. Course is complete with action plans as well. Your fate’s in Google’s hands, and let’s face it: If you can’t control it… you don’t own it. The only people telling you it’s “free” are gurus who think your time is worth nothing, and warn you to stay away from the “competitive” keywords where all the buyers are.
And the money? Well, if you need money NOW… not “whenever Google lets me out of the sandbox”… you can’t count on “free” traffic to bring home the bacon. Is that the end of it? Hardly.