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Has anyone else watched the latest webinar by Andrew Hansen?
Actually there are 2 versions. The first one is just him talking while the second one is him talking with Matt Carter and Matt’s subscribers.
Watched both and am very impressed by his strategies. First he showed the easy and fast way to do keyword research using just Google main page without using Google Planner or any other research tools.
If you typed any keyword like how to play guitar for instance,you will see trances of other keywords like how to play guitar like a pro, how to play guitar quickly and easily, how to play guitar like an expert quickly etc.
Secondly, he mentioned the days of stuffing your content with keywords and multi-link building are well over.
I have had fierce arguments with other marketers in SEO over these as they don’t understand and agree with Andrew Hansen especially with link building part.
Instead according to Google as Andrew said, it is now ranking content related to topics instead of keywords.
Let’s say I am passionate about playing musical instruments. I can just create a blog or e-commerce site with videos, reviews and articles on different musical instruments and what interested readers want to know about playing them.
Promoting both Amazon products of musical instruments and Clickbank products of how to play musical instruments.
Instead of building one backlink after another, I just posted new content or post day by day on just musical instruments.
The course is $997 one-time for those who can afford. Conducted by both Andrew and Alex Miller, whom Andrew regards as the SEOexpert of SEO experts.
But if you can’t afford, Andrew gives you the option of paying $97 monthly for 12 months. If for any reason you don’t want to continue, just emailed their support and they will cancel your monthly membership.