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“If That’s You… I Will PERSONALLY Work With You One-On-One In Your Business To Help You Double Your Traffic, Conversions And Sales Over The Next 12 Months!”
And it’s really that simple… If you’re funnel isn’t right, you can’t drive traffic… If you can’t drive traffic… you can’t make money.
Sur IF you GET IT 1214417L. MEN yew CAN roux FAST!
For example, let me show you one of our current funnels:
How Fast You Can Scale A Funnel… When It’s “Right…” You could literally be a few tweaks away from a winner…
In January of this year, our supplement funnel was doing about $20k a month, we went through the SAME funnel process we do with our “Ignite” members and by February had it up to $30k per month… But March is where it got REALLY exciting. We implemented and our last set of optimizations which increased our conversion enough that now we could buy almost unlimited paid traffic.
We went from $30k a month to over $300k a month almost overnight…