Ryan Deiss – Traffic & Conversion Summit 2016 – Value $1997

Sales Page: http://www.trafficandconversionsummit.com/
Value: $1997
Download Size: 27.2GB
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Everything Has Changed…


It happens every year…

Things change.

And that’s why drowning yourself in outdated ebooks or forcing yourself to listen to boring, impersonal courses and webinars just doesn’t yield results.

You need real, updated information that actually works!

And the really sad truth is…

Most So-Called “Marketing Gurus” Confuse Theory With Fact

Most don’t walk the walk…

Most haven’t done it, and even if they did, they don’t do it anymore (except for selling products on “How To Market Your Business Online”…as if that counts).

Are you as sick and tired of this as I am?
The good news is, that’s all about to change…

You’re About To Get It Straight From The Horse’s Mouth

If you wanted to learn a subject…I mean REALLY learn it, which would you rather do?

  • A) Read a book written by the #1 expert on that subject, or
  • B) Take that expert to lunch, “hog-tie” them to their chair and refuse to let them leave until they told you everything you ever wanted to know about your desired subject

The answer is obvious, right? (Ok, you might want to pass on the “hog-tying” part, but you get the idea.)

Obviously it would be better to get the information “straight from the horse’s mouth” as opposed to reading it or listening to it in a potentially outdated book or course.

And it’s no different when it comes to growing your business online…

You can either buy a bunch of books and try to figure it all out on your own, or you can go to the experts themselves and listen to what they have to say – live and in-person.

Well if that scenario excites you, then I have very good news…

“While I Won’t Let You Hog-Tie Me To My Chair, I Will Give You the Opportunity To Come ‘Hang Out’ With Me and Let Me Tell You Everything I Know About Digital Marketing”

Without tooting my own horn too much, I (Ryan Deiss) am considered the “King of Conversion” and the creator of the funnel models used by many of the top brands today.

My good buddy (and business partner), Perry Belcher, is the master of traffic, and has more successful startups under his belt than a room-full of Stanford graduates.

More importantly (and unlike most of the marketing experts out there)…


In fact, in the last 24 months alone we have:

  • Launched new brands in the beauty, outdoor and menswear space. (In fact, chances are you’ve seen at least one of our ads for at least one of our brands.)
  • Partnered with an A-List celebrity to launch a best-selling book PLUS a backend training company…
  • Generated tens of millions of unique visitors to our dozens of portfolio properties…
  • Spend many, many millions of dollars on media and marketing tests. (Don’t freak out…we wouldn’t be spending it if it weren’t ROI’ing…)
  • Sent well over a BILLION permission-based emails across dozens of different newsletters and email lists…
  • Architected and engineered 126 conversion funnels (at last count) both for our portfolio companies and for a select handful of clients…

So again…we actually do this stuff! (And we’re pretty dang good at it.)

We’re not ivory tower researchers and authors. We’re down in the trenches…just like you.

And here’s the hook: I’m going to open the kimono and tell you everything I know. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s called, the…