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Want an Easier Way to Launch a Private Label Product?
Grab this brand new book that will reveal an easy step by step method to launch your very own brand!
Private Label is a hot topic right now, but there are a lot of obstacles when sourcing overseas.
Many sellers want to move into this business model, but get stuck facing all the challenges that are unique to private label.
In Private Label the Easy Way Ryan will show you:
The formula he used to create his first private label product that now profits at least $3000 per month
Why Ryan loves the Private Label business model
His Easy Way Method for launching a private label product
How to choose a private label product so that your chances of success are increased
How to find and contact potential suppliers
Where to go to get your logo and packaging designed
How to Create a Killer Product listing that sells
How to get your first sales and reviews
A Brand new Product Sourcing Service that you can use to source virtually anything
And much more!
What Others Say
I just finished the Private Label the Easy way book and it was a great read. As an experienced Private Label seller, I wasn’t expecting to learn much, but to my surprise, I did pick up a few new gems! One that I will be putting into action came from the chapter on contacting suppliers. I also appreciated some new websites to look into for helping promote my products.
The chapter that talked about what kinds of products to avoid and what types to focus on was extremely helpful. I knew a little already, but this really simplified and solidified what I already had a hunch about.
There are just SO MANY courses now on Private Label that literally cost 100x the price of this book and cover practically the same stuff, but really over complicate things. Everything is broken down so simply that anyone can do this.
– Susan Whitehead
Ryan Reger is very knowledgeable about all phases of Private Labeling and this book should be added to your arsenal of tools. I am already using his ideas and blueprint for Private Label the Easy Way to grow my business in ways I could only imagine. Thanks for making this so easy.
– Steve Woods
With “Private Label The Easy Way”, all excuses & fears go out the window. Written well, & easy to understand. Everything is laid out for you and all that is required is to Take Action on the Gold that has been handed to you.
– Patricia Smith
Ryan Reger is not just the latest guru trying to sell you his program. He’s a real guy with real success. He’s been through the trenches, made the mistakes and figured out the system. If you want to learn practical information from a true success story, you can’t do better than this book.
– Jeff Clark
Ryan is someone who walks the talk. He also has the ability to present seemingly complex things in simple terms. Like the title says, he has broken down the private label process into easy, actionable points. This book won’t do the work for you, neither is it the be all and end all of private label, but if you read and act on it, you will be on your way to private labeling simply with minimized risk.
– Jason Tay
Ryan Reger’s “Private Label The Easy Way” offers insights into a fast, easy way of getting started with your own brand of products. Ryan shows you not only where to get the merchandise, but also gives tips on which product lines to grow, and which to avoid. He also provides important information on trademarks and patents to protect your new brand. One of my favorite parts of this book was on how to speak to a prospective manufacturer — what to say and what not to say! There is a lot of good information here. If you want to get started in Private Label, Ryan Reger’s “Private Label The Easy Way” is a very good place to begin.
– C. Angel Crush
An absolutely brilliant resource by Ryan Reger, who has established himself as an authority in Private Labeling.
Private Label The Easy Way does exactly as the label advertises…it will help position you for success in this business model. I just can’t count how many light bulbs went off in my head after reading Ryan’s book. Bravo Ryan on a job well done! This receives my highest recommendations!
– George Nieves