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Former Broke Youth Pastor Spills the Beans on
How His Simple 8 Step Method Took Him
From the Poorhouse to the Penthouse And
How You Can Get Payments of $1,952.43,$5,773.67
or even $15,913.78Deposited into Your Bank in Days
Give Me Minutes of Your Time and Let Me Tell YOU Exactly How I’m Selling Products
Like Tshirts, Affiliate Products and
Building Emails Lists off the Facebook Newsfeed
My name is Jeff Mills, you might of seen me around in the “industry” over the last 13 years… Occasionally I’ll fly out and speak at a big marketing conference around the world but other than that – I’ve been quietly making a great living online from the comfort of my home…actually… my closet office!
It all started when I was still “employed” as a Youth Pastor… If you have any family or friends doing ministry work you’ll know firsthand we’re not doing it for the money – we’re doing what we do because we genuinely care about other people’s spiritual well-being – and in the process trying to help them try to find a better way to live…we also try to help their financial well-being too!
How I got started…
So, with that being said – I started attending marketing conferences myself. I thought what I was learning was mind blowing and couldn’t believe how easily people were making money online. So being the kind of person I am – I started promoting these events and seminars because I personally knew the impact it had on me and knew it could also help others create a better finical future for themselves as well…
Before you knew it – I was being honored at all these events for placing in all the top “winner’s circles” beating the these “gurus” in the affiliate game promoting marketing events. And I have to be honest – I was completely floored when I would hear my name announced after these big Internet Marketing Legends placing in a higher place than them… I even got a couple of trophies too!LOL… You can see them in the video above.
You Can Make Money from Home and I Can Help You!
So, you might be wondering why I’m telling you all of this… And that’s because I want you to know I’m a natural promoter that loves helping other people…