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OuttaTimr Is Simple To Set Up And Easy To Deploy Quickly
Create Unlimited, Custom Email Timers To Drive Urgency And Sales Right Now
Create Email Countdown Timers In Just 4 Steps
Step 1: Timer Settings Timer Name Timer 1
Timer Image Width (For Email) Selearns none
Step 2: Choose Your Link Settings In Step 2, you’ll choose a name for the links your subscribers will be sent to when they click your timer.
The first link is for the Active URL that you want to send all visitors to while the timer is still active and counting down.
The second link is for the Expired URL that you want to send all visitors to when they click AFTER your timer has expired so your clicks are not lost!
Step 1: Choose Your Timer Settings In Step 1, you’ll start by choosing a name for your timer and picking the right size timer width for your email (typical width is 450 – 500 pixels wide).
Then select the timezone your countdown to be based on and pick the end date and time for when your timer will expire.
Step 2: Link Settings Link Name (internal Use) OuttaTimr Special Offer
Step 3: Choose Your Timer Style In Step 3, youll select the timer design you want from one of the 12 high-converting countdown timer designs.
Then you’ll also select from one of the 6 Expired Timer designs for when your timer has expired letting them know that they missed out if they didn’t take action.