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The truth is that my FIRST book took 11 months for me to write and design…ELEVEN MONTHS! I figured, after THAT experience, it would likely be my first AND last book…EVER! Then I began to see technology change, and, for the first time, I realized that publishing books didn’t HAVE to be as hard as everyone made it out to be. Of course, I still believed they had to be traditionally laid out with expensive software…blah, blah, blah…until I overheard some folks talking about how they produced a book in a day. I remember thinking…”I bet THAT book is a piece of crap!” and dismissed the notion completely.
Fast-forward to today…I recently participated in launching a great product that teaches people how to easily create books. I even contributed some of the ideas for the content. But then I began seeing some of the promoters claiming how EASY it is to create a book-a-day…every day. Immediately my BS siren went off…and these were FRIENDS of mine! ALL the while, the SAME publishing myths are being preached to the masses by the publishing “powers that be”…
So I made a decision…I decided that I would prove, once and for all, whether or not it really IS possible to produce a book-a-day. Not only that…I want to PROVE that YOU can do it too…
But there is something I need to be clear about…
If procrastination is your middle name or you suffer from SOS (shiny object syndrome), I can tell you for a fact, before you even TRY…you will FAIL! If creating a book-a-day is EVEN possible, it’s ONLY going to happen IF you are an action-taker!
If that’s not you, however, and I hope it isn’t, let me ask you what MAY be one of the most important questions you will be asked THIS year…
Awesome! Because that is EXACTLY what I’m planning to PROVE, one way or another in “Easy Book-a-Day!”
In “Easy Book-a-Day,” I am going to take YOU with me on a journey to create a book-a-day, EVERY day, 5 days a week (we’re taking weekends off) for the ENTIRE month of February! I will show you EVERY book creation method I’m using, EVERY resource I’m accessing and EVERY strategy I’m implementing to prove whether or not creating a book-a-day is even possible. Now I know what you might be thinking…
“Hold the phone, Tony…you’re an established marketer, book designer and publisher. You have an unfair advantage!”
That’s TRUE…but let me ask you a question…would you rather believe someone who SAYS it’s possible, an industry that SAYS it’s impossible, or an expert who can SHOW YOU HOW to pull it off?
But I hear you…I get it…which is why I am ALSO having a complete NEWBIE do the challenge with me. This gal knows NOTHING about writing or publishing a book. NOTHING! So you’re not just going to see this from MY perspective and skills, but from HERS as well.
So let me tell you what you can expect when you join us for this “Easy Book-a-Day” Challenge:
- Daily 30-minute “CHECK-IN” webinars: Everyday at Noon EST, we will have a check-in webinar where I will discuss the book I’m working on THAT day, how I’m producing it, etc. These WILL be recorded as well!
- Weekly TRAINING webinars: In addition, every Wednesday evening, at 7pm EST, I will be teaching and training you for 90 minutes on the publishing strategies and methods that WORK…step-by-step…as well as answer your questions concerning your OWN book projects.
- Private GROUP: There will be a dedicated Facebook Group JUST for participants to share their book publishing triumphs, insights and questions.
- ONGOING access to ALL replays: Or at least until the internet shuts down from the zombie apocalypse…grin.
- ALL 20 of the books I create during the month! These will NOT all be Kindle books…I am ALSO planning some print books as well. You get them ALL!
- BONUS: All 10 of my Original Kindle Cover Templates PLUS 10 NEW Templates – One of the KEYS to succeeding with a book-a-day is using templates. These will solve your cover challenges.
- BONUS #2: Book Cover Genius – Become a master designer for creating your OWN book covers!
- OTHER goodies I plan to add along the way: Like copyright page templates, royalty-free photos to use and other fun stuff!
- And MUCH More!
As you may have noticed above…I am NOT just planning to create a bunch of simple 20-page Kindle books that never sell…NO! I am ALSO planning print books, iPad books, hard cover books and, of course, Kindle books! So this is truly going to be QUITE the publishing challenge and experience…I COULD fail, and you would get to see that (yikes)…but I don’t believe I will!
Let’s keep this realistic…I’d LOVE to have you join me. I do NOT expect you to produce a book-a-day yourself…that’s MY challenge…but I DO want you to discover HOW you CAN do it yourself. If you want to play along…GREAT. So…the investment. You’ll be getting DAILY live access to me to literally look over my shoulder to see WHAT I’m doing for EACH book. You’re going to benefit from weekly training where I will be showing you EXACTLY how you can pull off producing a book-a-day. You will get copies of all 20 of the books I produce (these are going to be great books). And then there are the bonus templates, the FB group and more. I think you’ll agree that gaining THIS MUCH access to an expert could EASILY go for $1,000 or more. After all, you will be getting 15 hours of my time over the course of the month of February!