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Value: $79
Download Size: 6.1MB
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Course Description:
Early this year one of my most favorite printing clients, a large west coast real estate brokerage, emailed me a mailing list substantially larger than what they usually provide. A month later, the list was more than double the size, another month later it was even bigger, to the point where I thought they were going to have every person looking to sell their home in California on it.
The ability to generate leads, specifically listing leads for real estate agents and home improvement leads for remodelers, is something you will ALWAYS find a need for. The value of these leads can easily climb into the hundreds each, and I’ll show you how to generate them for peanuts, and even get them qualified (and some converted to actual appointments) — on autopilot.
This is not pie-in-the-sky theory. It’s completely refined, proven, and currently in use by a brokerage that’s using it to break into new territory and dominate them by this method alone.