Sales Page:
Value: $219
Download Size: 1.58GB
Direct Download Link: (No Ads, No Waiting Time, No Capcha)

Course Description:
Maria brings it (and Tina too). I was in first Ultimate Facebook Challenge group. You get very latest info, every question answered, learn details of what you need to know, step-by-step what to do, and what NOT to do to make money from offline local businesses with Facebook. Best platform for learning, no motivate-yourself-to-view-another-video, gosh knows how many “home study courses” I bought over the years and never finished. Maria’s daily plan, webinars, replays so you can go back over how to do it as you implement, and a cheering section for every dollar of your success.
This course gave me confidence, expert info, and the right way to pitch and land clients. It works for me in my market and keeps me focused on what’s important to make money. For $7 you get a $497 course. Really. The OTO is optional and pays for itself with your first client. It’s all guaranteed so no risk to you. What do you need to part with $7? Commit the few bucks, commit the scheduled focused time, commit to take action and you Make Money with Maria.