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Value: $47
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SEO fads may come and go but building sites using Silo Web Architecture has remained EVERGREEN over the years. Ultimate SiloStorm Pro makes it easy to build Silo websites with WordPress.
Lets see what the SEO Gurus have to say…
“Slicing a website will serve to clarify your website’s subject relevance and will lay the groundwork for high keyword rankings.” Bruce Clay “A well put-together site architecture (especially a silo structure) helps Google thematically organize your content.” Brian Dean
Even as far back as 2011 here’s what Google Web Spam team Supremo Matt Cutts had to say:
“I prefer a tree like architecture, where everything branches out in nice even paths… so I think if you break it down by topic but make sure that those topics match well with the keywords that you expect your users to type in when they try to find your page then you should be in pretty good shape.”
(Yes, thats exactly what siloing does.)
Again in late 2013 Matt is still giving advice along similar lines:
“Check and make sure that you have a good architecture, you’ve got a home page with well linked static links going to the individual pages of your site, something like a tree like structure that leads to the individual pages can be good, make sure that the pages that are important are just maybe one or two links from your Home Page so that the page rank is still relatively high there.”
(Yup, again those are the characteristics of a well silo’ed web site.)
Should I use SiloStorm to build new web sites?
Yes, Ultimate SiloStorm Pro is recommended for building new web sites.
Can I use SiloStorm on an existing ranked site?
When introducing any SEO technique to your existing ranked website it is sensible to ensure that you first fully understand the principles of the technique and how it will apply to your site before implementation. Links to useful Silo SEO resources are provided in the training area.
Can I use SiloStorm to build WordPress Adsense or Niche Sites?
Yes, this theme is from the maker of HeatMap Theme so its also got loads of ad widget positions. Use SiloStorm in combo with Click Missile plugin (included in this offer) for your ad placement needs.
I just like the slick look of the theme. Can I use it to build regular non-silo sites?
Yes, of course. You don’t have to use the siloing features. Just make sure that if you choose to use the breadcrumb feature that your posts are only assigned to one category so the breadcrumb can work most effectively.
How long can I use SiloStorm for?
Our software does not time out or expire. You can use it for as long as you like.
What’s the membership renewal price?
If at the end of 12 months you still want access to updates and support then the renewal price is $27. Membership is non-recurring and there is no obligation renew your membership when your 12 month membership ends.
What platforms does SiloStorm Support?
The Theme is built on Bootstrap 3.1.1 framework which supports these platforms. Ultimate SiloStorm requires the latest version WordPress and is optimized for Chrome, Safari, FireFox, and Internet Explorer 9 and 10. SiloStorm does NOT support Internet Explorer 6 or 7.
Is this really the first ever all-in-one responsive silo theme built on Bootstrap?
When we researched and developed this theme we believed it to be so. Subsequently another theme vendor has claimed that others were first, but we have yet to see another similar all-in-one theme such as ours. Feel free to PM us if you feel your theme was first, and we’ll be happy to adjust our sales text if needs be.